Management Of Technology And Innovation: Research Project

Follow all the instruction and answer with properly citation and reference and APA style .

  1. The case study should be organized as follows:
    1. Title Page ( APA Style ).
    2. Introduction – this paragraph will provide an overall picture of what your paper is .
    3. Challenges and Opportunities  Walmart Canada .
    4. Technological Needs.
    5. Potential Solutions .
    6. Chosen Solution –  describe the information technology solution that you have chosen and explain how you made your decision. ” Walmart Canada.”
    7. Purchasing Plan – describe how your company or government agency will proceed with purchasing this solution.  “Purchasing IT Products” Walmart Canada.
    8. Implementation Plan – describe how Walmart Canada company or government agency will proceed with implementing this solution. This section must clearly outline potential challenges and how you plan to address them.
    9. Write a conclusion which will provide the reader with your final impressions on where Walmart Canada organization currently is in terms of the planning, purchase, and implementation of this information technology solution, and your recommendations for next steps.
  2. Organize your information as a formal case study in a Word document.


The Individual Research Project Part 3 will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.

Activities/Competencies Demonstrated

 % of Final Grade


Writing Quality –  Writing must be logically organized and free of grammatical and typographical errors; previous feedback incorporated as necessary



Content – The submission must demonstrate solid research and insightful observations.

a. Research effectively analyzed


b. Advantages/disadvantages accurately drawn from literature


c. Conclusion accurately reflects findings



References – All references cited as per the APA style manual.



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