a major organisation in Australia

Format for submission of Assessment task.
Due date: 5.00pm, Friday 18th August, 2017
In Assessment 1 you are asked to create an annotated bibliography using your research topic,
research question and your search terms (as described in your Search Planner) and the bibliographic
database searches you completed as part of Module 1.
You must submit your completed ‘Search Planner’ (Part A) your full bibliography (list of references)
exported from you Endnote library (Part B) and ten annotated bibliographic references exported
from your Endnote library (Part C) (see Module 3 for the guidance on annotated bibliographies).
Your ten annotated references must include 3 references from ‘grey literature’ (see Module 2).
All references must be in the Harvard style.
You will need to combine these three documents into a single Word or PDF document that includes
the following three sections:
Part A: Search Planner
Part B: Bibliography exported from Endnote (25 – 30 references including the annotated
references in Part C).
Part C. Ten annotated bibliography entries exported from Endnote using the Annotated style in
[PLEASE NOTE: if you have technical questions about using Endnote, please use the Library help
guides or request assistance from Library staff http://www.latrobe.edu.au/library/help-and-training]
Each annotation must include a sentence or two on each of the following (approximately 100
words for each annotation):
1. The main topic or theme of the article What is the article about?
2. Key arguments that the authors’ are making: What is the main point (or points) that
the author is making?
3. The authors’ methods: What data does the author use to support to justify their
argument? Have they interpreted the data in particular way?
4. A sentence or two on the relevance of the article for your research topic/question:
Why is the article important to your research question? How will you use the
information in this article?
Submitting your Bibliographic Assignment
The Turnitin link for Assessment 1: Bibliographic Assignment is below the description of
Assessment Task 1 in the ‘Workshops and Assessments’ tile on the LMS site.
Before submitting your assessment to Turnitin, filter your Turnitin report to exclude the
bibliography. To do this you will need to include a heading of ‘bibliography’ or ‘references’
at the start of Part B.
If you need further assistance in uploading your file to Turnitin, please see the guides at the
end of ‘Workshops and Assessments’.

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