Major Essay Assignment

Assignment (Major Essay)

Due Date: Wednesday, 10 Jan

Weight: 60%

Length: 2,000 words


Each student is required to individually submit a well-researched and clearly written

essay of no more than 2,000 words in response to the following:


In your unit text Heywood introduces you to four competing definitions of politics (see

pages 2-12). Your task is to choose ONE of these definitions and develop an analysis

of the politics of ONE of the social problems (or any other social problem in which you

have a particular interest) listed below:


  • Homelessness
  • Emissions Trading
  • Child Welfare
  • Health Care
  • Domestic Violence
  • Terrorism
  • Refugees and Border Security
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Education
  • Social Inequality
  • Indigenous Rights
  • Human Rights
  • Consumer Protection
  • Environment


Some suggestions:

  1. After your introductory paragraph, your analysis should have one paragraph that

discusses the definition of politics that you have adopted. For example, if you intend

to adopt the definition of politics as government then you should provide a brief

paragraph that discusses that particular approach to defining the political.


  1. Your essay should avoid any attempt to offer an exhaustive descriptive account of

your chosen problem. Rather, you should remain firmly focused on developing an

analysis of the politics (as you have defined it) of your problem. For example, if you

choose to define politics as government then your focus would be on the analysis of

what government has done to deal with the problem. You might give some

consideration to explaining why government has done what it has done, or you could

focus more on the roles and activities played by various social groups and

organisations that have tried to influence government policy. Alternatively, you might

wish to focus on the impact that government actions have had on your chosen social

problem. Similarly, if you chose to define politics as compromise and consensus,

your focus would be on the analysis of how conflicts associated with your chosen

social problem have or have not been resolved. You might spend some time telling

us about the nature of those conflicts, the various interests involved, what different

groups and organisations have tried to do to resolve the conflict, what tactics they

have used, as well as provide some analysis of the results of attempts to resolve the



  1. Your essay should demonstrate an ability to use some of the key concepts that you

have been introduced to this trimester to the political analysis of your chosen

problem. For example, if you choose to define politics as power, you would be

expected to be clear about what you mean by power, and use your definition in a

consistent and clear manner. Similarly, if you use the concepts of state, or legitimacy,

or authority, you would be expected to demonstrate a clear understanding of the

meaning of such terms and to also apply then consistently in your analysis.


  1. Your essay should demonstrate a capacity to locate relevant empirical material. The

resources and search engines available to you through the Dixson library should be

used. Markers will not look favourably upon a simple reliance on a Google search.


  1. Your essay should be structured according to the conventions of academic writing. If

you are unsure about what this entails please go to

[]. See also

‘Tips on Essay Writing’ on page 19 below.


  1. Your essay should be referenced accurately and should contain a properly formatted

bibliography of sources. The AGPS Referencing system should be used. Particular

care must be shown toward grammatical expression and spelling.


  1. You should begin preparations for your final assignment no later than four weeks

before the due date. A special Discussion Forum will be established to deal with any

questions or queries students have about their major essay. Although assignments

must be submitted individually, students are encouraged to engage in a group

discussion via Moodle about how they intend to address the major essay task. The

Unit coordinator will monitor the group discussion and provide advice when




  1. In a Header does the essay contain the unit name, my name, my student number.


  1. Is typed with at least 1.5 line spacing.


  1. The typeface for the text is the equivalent of 12 point Times Roman and the typeface in the footnotes is at least 10 point.


  1. Has page numbers at the top of each page.


  1. Has a left-hand margin of 3 cm and a right hand margin of 2 cm.


  1. Includes an introduction that states my main argument clearly and succinctly.


  1. Has been referenced in accordance with the AGPS referencing system.


  1. Has a bibliography/or list of references been attached.
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