Macroeconomic characteristics and condition of your selected  country: Relevant metrics to investigate include GNP, GDP, GDP per  capita, unemployment, inflation, foreign exchange rates, and  international trade. You will probably find additional metrics of  interest. You may need to conduct additional research to better present  and discuss the information conveyed by each measure.

Course Project Check-in

Your facilitator has confirmed one of your choices of country for  your course project. Using the textbook, the Argosy University online  library resources, and the Internet, research your selected country. In  this course project task, research the following:

In order to prepare your 15- to 20-page research paper due in M5: Assignment 1,  prepare a draft of this portion of your paper. You will not submit the  paper in this module. It will form one component of the paper. Your  paper will include tables with relevant data (tables are not counted in  the 5–6 pages) and a careful discussion that guides the reader through  the tables and the conclusions that can be drawn from the tables.

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