Location Profiling Memo and Annotated Bibliography at Tech Garden’s-Best College Essays

Location Profiling Memo and Annotated Bibliography at Tech Garden’s-Best College Essays

As Tech Garden’s Head of Market Research, it is your responsibility to communicate
this decision to all of the sales associates in the company. In your memo you will
need to give an overview of geographic information systems in business, outline
some of the advantages of collecting location information, and address any potential
concerns employees might have about the new system.
To provide full rationale for this decision, you will need to do a little bit of additional
research. Here is one article to get you started:
Tsai, J. (2010, January). Here, there, and everywhere. Customer Relationship
Management, 14(1), 38-43. Retrieved August 26, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global
You are required to attach an annotated bibliography to your memo describing
the best four sources you used to research this topic

Memo #7: Location Profiling
Tech Garden’s Market Research Team has launched a new initiative to focus on
collecting and analyzing location information. While the company continues to collect
transaction data and demographic data on consumers, the Team believes that
adding location information will contribute even more consumer insight. By using
Geographic Information Systems to map the data, Tech Garden will be able to
identify new locations for stores, target advertising to niche markets, and locate the
company’s best customers. In the next two months, the team will start this location
information initiative by pairing a geographic information system with the current
Customer Relationship Management system.
The Market Research Team wants to inform all Tech Garden sales associates of the
coming additions to the CRM. There is some concern that the sales associates will
resist the initiative because it will mean collecting additional information from
customers – and some customers may view it as an invasion of privacy; however,
this initiative will only be successful with cooperation and buy-in from all sales
As Tech Garden’s Head of Market Research, it is your responsibility to communicate
this decision to all of the sales associates in the company. In your memo you will
need to give an overview of geographic information systems in business, outline
some of the advantages of collecting location information, and address any potential
concerns employees might have about the new system.
To provide full rationale for this decision, you will need to do a little bit of additional
research. Here is one article to get you started:
Tsai, J. (2010, January). Here, there, and everywhere. Customer Relationship
Management, 14(1), 38-43. Retrieved August 26, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global
You are required to attach an annotated bibliography to your memo describing
the best four sources you used to research this topic

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