LITERATURE REVIEW RESEARCH PAPER:  Write a research paper, which conducts a literature review on a published work in game theory. Read and survey a variety of game theory article selected



Write a research paper, which conducts a literature review on a published work in game theory. Read and survey a variety of game theory article selected

Roth, Alvin E. [2009], “What Have We Learned from Market Design?” Innovation Policy and the Economy 9 (1), 79-112.

This paper should be 4 pages typed work following parameters: 1.15-spaced lines in a 11- or 12- font, with 1-inch margins, and use appropriate citation of outside sources as necessary, gathered in a bibliography at the end of the report.

· PLEASE follow all the instructions:

· Isolate and describe a game or set of games which the article presents (include solutions)

· Perhaps from an article mentioned in the article ((Myerson, Roger B. [2008], “Perspectives on Mechanism Design in Economic Theory,” American Economic Review 98 (3), 586-603.))

· Make connection, the article have some kind of “ literature survey” where the author explain what articles he has read

· Who dose your author like (for more rare but potentially revealing) who dose the author hate? Criticize)

· More Cross Reference

· Look at the reference list or bib articles/books. Take a look at these and include a short encapsulation of the main points of each.

· One way to appreciate your paper is to formulate the Question To Which The Paper Is The Answer. . Why is this paper important? Why should you read this paper? (Because this pager answers the question…). (This paper helps you understand the issue of…. This paper solves the puzzle of …)

· Follow the Elephant

· Research the Author(s) of the Article

· What is the author’s background? What school their PhD from, who were their teacher(s) (dissertation advisory?

· . Trace their Ph.D. Dissertation, what school?, who was their dis Chair?

· What is the author’s main interest or theoretical

# A closing

· What I have learned…

· Suggestions for further research… this is what I get from this paper

· This article suggests that the next step would be to develop….

· If I had lots of time and money and smart grad students, I’d next explore….

What was the question in 2015 to solve the game?

· Experiment economics’

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