literature review-conflict management approaches and strategies


Your literature review will be a 6- to 8-page Microsoft Word

7 scholarly sources ATTACHED PDF FILES

Access a minimum of seven appropriate peer-reviewed articles in the online library resources. Read the articles to analyze the major themes of team leadership and conflict-competent teams.

Your selected articles should discuss some aspects of team conflict, conflict resolution, and the leader’s role in resolving conflict; team development and team conflict dynamics; development of an ethical and diverse culture; as well as other relevant theoretical and practical approaches discussed in the course. Ensure that your selected articles reflect a blend of research that has contributed to the generation of applicable theories as well as a critique and affirmation of the specific theories.

1. Develop an introduction on the background of the conflict management approaches and strategies that leaders can use to resolve team conflict.


2. Analyze all articles and describe the key themes that emerge across the selected articles.

3. Synthesize the material and summarize the patterns of similarities and differences regarding how each of the authors has presented each theme.

4. On the basis of your analysis of the literature, conclude by evaluating the impact of leadership approaches and the development of conflict-competent teams.

The purpose of this literature review is for you to practice:

· Critically reading and understanding the articles and how to tie the concepts together

· Synthesizing the various concepts and results of the review

· Writing a collective analysis of the articles that will help you address the topic of the final assignment

Remember, a literature review is not simply a summary of the articles but a synthesis of the many ideas and concepts presented in the various articles.

Your literature review will be a 6- to 8-page Microsoft Word document written in APA format and utilize at least seven scholarly sources.

Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Access a minimum of seven appropriate peer-reviewed articles in the Argosy University online library resources. Read the articles to analyze the major themes of team leadership and conflict-competent teams. 28
Develop an introduction on the background of the team leadership approaches and the development and dynamics of teams that support conflict-competent teams. 36
Analyze all articles and describe the key themes that emerge across the selected articles. 36
Synthesize the material and summarize the patterns of similarities and differences regarding how each of the authors has presented each theme. 36
On the basis of your analysis of the literature, conclude by evaluating the impact of leadership approaches and the development of conflict-competent teams. 40
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 24
Total: 200

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