Literary Analysis Lost of the Flies

Literary Analysis Lost of the Flies

1” Margin on all sides
o Double spaced throughout entire document
o 12 pt times New Roman or Courier
o Heading: Student, Teacher, Course, Date on successive lines, top left
o Header including student last name and pg number in header top right
o Title center aligned on line immediately under heading
o Indent all paragraphs
o Black ink, white paper
o Do not skip lines between paragraphs (line spacing options)

o Thesis sentence previewing outline of paper somewhere in 1 st paragraph
o Parenthetical citation for all sources, source identifying word (e.g. author last name) and
page number if applicable
o Topic sentences for each paragraph following outline of thesis
o Include quotes from text,
quotes from literary criticism,
any other sources to support your thesis
o Integrate quotes less than 3 lines into paragraph
o Block quotes greater than 3 lines
o Do not put quotation marks around block quotes

Works Cited:
o Follow MLA guidelines for entries (may use Citation Machine or Easybib)
o Alphabetize
o Hanging Indent
Miscellaneous considerations
o Avoid 1 st person
o Avoid slang, informality, cliché
o Proofread for grammatical, usage errors

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