Topic: Leadership and its impact on followers and organizational performance
Develop a full-sentence outline of your research topic, taking care to structure your thoughts on the topic in a coherent fashion that clearly illustrates your objectives and intentions.
You must incorporate the use of at least 6 references to use within your outline.
Follow the alphanumeric outline structure and use complete sentences. List references in APA format, alphabetically. Use APA format throughout. Include citations as needed along with a title page and a reference page.
This is a full sentence outline…please use full sentences and not phrases. In addition, you will have topic sentences for each paragraph and transition sentences (a sentence that leads in to the next paragraph). You must have in text citations and a reference page.
This is the book that we are using, where you must find a leadership theory or approach, you can find them from chapter 2-7 as it is a requirement from this assessment.
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Video with Helpful Hints for Outline and Final Paper
I have created a video with helpful hints for your outline and final paper. You can view the video by cutting and pasting the following link in your browser.
Below is a helpful outline template that the professor provided to us to help organize our writing:
I. Introduction
a. Thesis statement:_______________________________________________
II. Body Paragraph 1 ( Heading)
a. Transition:_____________________________________________________
b. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________
i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________
ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________
iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________
III. Body Paragraph 2( Heading)
a. Transition:_____________________________________________________
b. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________
i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________
ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________
iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________
IV. Body Paragraph 3 (Heading)
a. Transition:_____________________________________________________
b. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________
i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________
ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________
iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________
V. Body Paragraph 4 (Heading)
a. Transition:_____________________________________________________
b. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________
i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________
ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________
iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________
VI. Conclusion
a. Transition:_____________________________________________________
b. Restatement of thesis:____________________________________________
VII. References
a. List references in APA format, alphabetically.
Please contact me if you have questions.
Due Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)
Points 125