Law Enforcement an ethical or legal dilemma that might typically confront a law enforcement professional. The law enforcement professional might be a police officer, a federal agent, mid or senior level management personnel in a police or federal law enforcement agency. The selected position might be of personnel employed in either the United States or abroad. The issue that you select must be one that might typically confront the personnel that you have selected. The range of issues that might be selected spans a wide-range of categories. For example, various personnel issues, EEO practices, constitutional requirements may each have an impact on the ethical and legal behaviors of law enforcement personnel. The course material should furnish to you a starting point for your topic and research. You are expected to do the following: Identify the issue (ethical or legal dilemma). Once you have selected your issue, frame the issue as a question. Your thesis statement will be the “answer” to this question. Your paper should flow from your thesis statement. Be sure to demonstrate your understanding of the sub-issues that must be confronted in resolving your chosen dilemma. The paper must be between 8 and 11 pages, excluding a cover page and sources cited page. This paper is to be submitted electronically in the Assignments section of the Week 8 of classes. The issue you select and the question you pose is uniquely your own. Therefore, grading will not consider the position itself. You will be evaluated on logic of the discussion, theoretical understanding, appropriate examples and always APA format, grammar, punctuation and spelling. The papers is to be developed as an expository essay. Explanation of this type of essay will be found at:

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