Law and Legal Affairs Analysis Paper-In the Private International Law/Conflict of Laws a great deal of case law that has arisen has been centered around international issues of marriage or international issues regarding children

In the Private International Law/Conflict of Laws a great deal of case law that has arisen has been centred around international
issues of marriage or international issues regarding children
1. Produce a handout on either one of the following subjects (15%):
Conflict of laws and marriage OR Conflict of laws and children

o PART C: Examples of at least two cases upon which judgments have been made involving Islamic Law and English Law in
England and Wales, either in regard to either ‘conflict of laws and marriage’ or ‘conflict of laws and children’ depending
upon your chosen topic. Each example must be (a) a maximum of 400 words (b) include a short case summary and, (c)
include a critical analysis on the significance of the case on the area of ‘Conflict of Laws’.
NOTE 1: Each group member will be given the same grade for their handout. The handout must clearly specify at the end of the
handout, each member’s work. References must be stated from all sources utilised including your textbook in a recognized and
consistent reference style.

o PART B: At least two exam scenarios on your own as if you’re the professor teaching the class, the exam scenarios must be
given with their answers which should come from your handout.

PART A- The summary of the topic:
o Organize your work by topic and format it to differentiate by topic, sections, subsections relevant materials, examples, etc.
Use section headings to organize the material in a way that is both organized stylistically and which is meaningful to you.
o Remember to include details of case law and real life examples.

2. Present a section of your summary (Part A) and your exam scenarios(Part B) as well as your case examples (Part C) to the
class as if you were a Professor teaching the class. (5%):

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