we know with confidence only when we know little; with knowledge doubt increases

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Theory of Knowledge Essay Outline Fall 2017 Prescribed Title: “ we know with confidence only when we know little; with knowledge doubt increases” INTRODUCTION: Provide background about confidence and doubt ( my own opinion) Background about history and ethic and how it is related to the question History definition in own words ( WWII, Japanese, Jews,Holocaust) Ethics: Key terms I will be using ( Utilitarianism and Kant’s belief) Personal Knowledge VS Shared knowledge ( comparing it to the prompt question) Personal info about History and ethics Knowledge from peers such as socratic seminars Thesis- About history and ethics connecting to question PARAGRAPH#1 (CLAIM HISTORY AND ETHICS) Introduce Knowledge claim (History is hard to answer with confident) Key terms I will be using Implication of claim ( what the claim is saying) Talk about History and Ethics About how it relates to prompt (Why is history and Ethics easy to answer with little) Knowledge question raised ( Question I came up w/ and key term) RLS (My own real life situation) Relationship with Personal Knowledge and Shared Knowledge PARAGRAPH #2 (COUNTERCLAIM) Introduction to claim (However not everything is easy answering with confident) Talk about the knowledge we gain do to school when we have a socratic seminar Ethics- example of the trolley Why shared knowledge matter in this case Personals info Introduce reasoning and other areas of knowledge Create a question or introduce a knowledge question RLS of students or even doctors etc… Arguing about WWII or other events from history CONCLUSION Restates the thesis in different meaning Why it matters to answer this question Making connections to IB classes even outside of school Work,sport,family etc..

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