urbanization, industrialization, immigration and Gilded Age politics that Upton Sinclair’s text-discuss how things have changed and/or not changed in the time since Sinclair wrote The Jungle


· The Jungle book paper assignment,

select a topic related to urbanization, industrialization, immigration and Gilded Age politics that Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, illuminates and explores. There are numerous possibilities, such as workplace safety, urban politics, treatment of immigrants, child labor, the meat packing industry, unions, socialism, sanitation, government regulation, etc. Focus on the 1880-1910 period. Discuss these events and topics

· Use the scholarly and primary sources to clarify and examine your chosen subject. You must also give clear examples from The Jungle that touch upon your topic. These need to be cited on a “Works Cited”(end notes) page. Be sure to reference The Jungle (particular characters and events that relate to your topic), scholarly articles, newspaper articles, the text, documentary, and lectures used in your research.  End notes are not to be counted as part of the 1,200 word requirement.

· In a closing “Modern Times” paragraph, discuss how things have changed and/or not changed in the time since Sinclair wrote The Jungle. Use relatively recent newspaper articles for this part of the assignment.


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