JMS 492 Spring 2018-Media History Paper

JMS 492 Spring 2018-Media History Paper

For this assignment, you will select one communications technologies. Based on your selection, you will then locate five non-academic articles that discuss some of the issues associated with the adoption of said technology. These issues can relate to economic, social, cultural, or technological issues, and they should NOT be simply a descriptive account of some new media property (such as a review of a new film or TV show).

Write a four-page paper that analyzes the articles that you selected. You must address three questions in your analysis, though the amount of space that you devote to each will depend upon the specifics of your own paper.

  • What kinds of issues or problems are illustrated by the articles?
  • How do these issues relate to some of the theories that we’ve discussed in class?
  • Is there any similarity, in your opinion, between the issues that you uncovered and some contemporary issue?

Below are the technologies that you must choose from, along with the specified time frame for the articles.


Radio – Article Time Frame: Must be from before 1925

Film – Article Time Frame: Must be from before 1929

Television – Article Time Frame: Must be from before 1953

Video games- Article Time Frame: Must be from before 1982

Mobile phones- Article Time Frame: Must be from before 1990

Internet- Article Time Frame: Must be from before 1996

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