Issues in the global economy-· Identify the factors/developments which contributed to the process of globalisation

15 slides presentation in due in 4 Hours.

Module Title: Issues in the global economy Module Code: 6WBS0002 SDL
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count Presentation Assignment Weighting: 30%
Coursework Submission: Time: 20:00 Date: 26.02.2018 Method: Electronically (StudyNet) Coursework return Date returned to students: Approx. 4 weeks after the deadline
Module lecturer Vida Keshtvarz First marker Vida Keshtvarz and Michael Kashioulis
Internal Moderator Approved Date: Module Board name
External Examiner Approved ☐ Date: Module Board date
Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
· Identify the factors/developments which contributed to the process of globalisation

· Demonstrate awareness about the uneven distribution of gains associated with globalisation

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
· Identify and evaluate the merging economic challenges and opportunities presented by globalisation

· Deliver written and oral presentations in which selected issues are discussed on the basis of adequate level of research

Transformational Opportunities
· Ability to arrange and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, qualitative and quantitative information

· Develop organisational skills for deadline submission

· Exploring the fundamental economic changes in the global economy

Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria and Mark schemeGuidance for improvement will be given in writing on the Assessment Feedback Form or on the StudyNet Feedback Form within 4 weeks of submission.

Assignments submitted up to one week late will receive a maximum numeric grade of: Levels 4, 5 and 6 (UG) – 40 Level 7 (PG) – 50 Plagiarism offences will receive standard penalties.

Detailed Brief for Individual/Group Assessment
Assignment Title: Individual presentation with narrated PowerPoints

Description of the assignment:

10 minutes presentation; discussing the following topic; make sure that you justify and well explain your points.

‘Identify and discuss the winners and losers from globalisation ’.

Any specific instructions:

· The length of each presentation must not be less than 9 minutes or more than 11 minutes.

· Any late submission would have standard penalty.

· The number of slides does not matter, the quality of your slides, the content and your presentation skills are what you will be marked on.

· Candidates need to submit their work on StudyNet before the deadline, which is Monday 26.02.2018 at 20:00.

· All submissions have to be in PowerPoints format.

· The submission can be made through the link in the assignment section.

· Candidates are required to include their student ID in the first slide of their presentation.

· Candidates are asked to allow enough time for uploading their work before the deadline.

Marking scheme:

Knowledge and Understanding For this you need to show that you have a good grasp of the broader context (provide evidence of wider reading). Your understanding of the topics involved will be judged based on the arguments you provide about the topic.


Quality of Content For this you should show your ability to analyse the information and data you decide to use and make critical judgements and conclusions. You will need to provide relevant arguments to identify the winners and losers of globalisation. Concentrate on providing an in-depth conclusive analysis.


Planning and Organisation This requires you to pay attention to the presentation structure, quality of slides, effective use of time and time management. No grammatical/spelling errors.


Timing of Delivery This requires candidate(s) to keep to the allocated time and have an effective and reasonable pace while delivering the presentation.


Clarity and Cohesion This requires you to present clear, understandable and logical discussion which sensibly follows on from what has gone before.


Make sure that:

· The points written in the slides are clear and understandable.

· Slides are not too wordy.

· Care has been taken to order the slides by level of importance and relevance.

· The arguments are coherent and follow logically.

Referencing In order to produce a debate, you need to back up all your arguments by references, data, and evidence. The number of references is important, but so it is the quality/appropriateness of the references and the way you use them to support your arguments. Try to avoid using too many long quotes.

You will be expected to acknowledge your sources both in the slides and in a reference list at the end, both of which must conform to Harvard Standards.


Please remember to follow Harvard protocol at all times. Please take extra care to follow Harvard protocol when referencing online sources (avoid making common mistakes).

For more details on the marking scheme, please see the last page of this document: Standard Assessment & Grading Criteria for HBS Coursework.

Student Support and Guidance

· For further help, you can contact the lecturer by email.

· Use the Grading Criteria and Mark Scheme to help improve your work.

· Go to Centre for Academic Skills Enhancement (CASE) workshops, use the CASE website and drop-in hours More information on this will be provided in-class.

· Academic English for Business support is available through daily drop-ins from the CASE office. See the CASE workshop timetable on the CASE main website page for details.

· Make full use of Library search to identify relevant academic material and the ‘Subject Toolkit for Business’ which contains links to other Information Databases and the Information Management contact details. (

· In this course students are required to submit their work (essay) on Turnitin. Guidance on submission to Turnitin via StudyNet can be found by using the following link.$FILE/TURNITIN+FOR+STUDENTS+2016+USER+GUIDE.pdf

Assessment Brief

Karen Robins – Updated November 2016

Standard Assessment & Grading Criteria for HBS Coursework: PowerPoint presentation

Module Code/ Title: PG1001 Pathway / Level: Pre-Masters
Student’s Name:
Title/Topic chosen: CW1 – Presentation
Presentation Date & Time: 01.11.2017 Time allocated to present: 15 minutes Time allocated for Q&A: 5 minutes
Quality of Content/Analysis/Evaluation (30%)

· Focused on the task & addresses it

· Displays knowledge & understanding: Inclusion of appropriate/relevant theories; accurate/relevant application of data/theory/practice/examples

Knowledge and Understanding and Evidence of research (30%)

· Appropriate format for presenting written information

· Well written with good use of language and headings as appropriate


· Coherent structure/organisation evident in the process/distribution between speakers

· Professional/business-like quality; clear images & ‘audience friendly’ i.e. use of colour/font/not overcrowded

· Interesting & attractive; appropriately used


· Keeps to allocated time & effective pacing

Clarity and Cohesion (10m)

· Business-like style; rehearsed & smooth

· Logical sequence

· Articulate & fluent; language is clear & concise

Referencing (10m)

· Harvard referencing

Marks for Content Tutor: Moderator: Overall Agreed Mark Tutor Signature:

Second Signature:

Marks for Presentation Skill Tutor: Moderator:
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