The Issue:  Freedom and Security – state a thesis related to Freedom and Security , and list three reasons to support your thesis.

The Issue:  Freedom and Security


1.  state a thesis related to Freedom and Security , and list three reasons to support your thesis.

2. Review the required readings, select 4-6 key quotes from the reading selections, and complete the following:

  • Give the bibliographic information for the reading selection source in APA format
  • Give the exact quote and page number
  • Paraphrase the quote
  • Explain why you selected the quote and how the quote relates to your selected social issue and your perspective on the issue
  • Required Readings:
  • Haynes, D. D. (2015). Liberty vs. security: An old debate renewed in the age of terror. Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel. Retrieved from
  • Kristof, N. D. (2002). Security and freedom. New York Times Retrieved from
  • Medine, D. (2015). Choice between security and liberty a false one. CNN. Retrieved from
  • Mockaitis, T. (2016). Security vs. civil liberties. Huffington Post. Retrieved from
  • Stahl, N. (2006). Freedom versus security: The false alternative. The Undercurrent. Retrieved from
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