Introduction of criminal justice

The triangle factory fire Progressivism came into context in the year 1992 politics for the first time. The two major election contenders after the votes were counted were all progressives. These two were Woodrow Wilson from the democratic party who became the president and Theodore Roosevelt from the progressive party’s. The election was really transformative. It posed a challenge to citizens to reconsider their rights and the constitution which led to an important movement from the decentralized republic that had prevailed since the early 19th century. The 1912 election did not entirely change the American democracy but it marked the beginning of the journey to transformation. Although critically analyzing Roosevelt won the elections in 1992 in the sense that the causes he championed with extraordinary panache still alive today. (Crew et al. pp 7-12) The triangle fire The fire in the Triangle Factory in new York city on march 25,1911 was the deadliest industrial calamity in the history of the city and one of the deadliest in the united states history. The fire led the deaths of 146 garment workers consisting of 23 men and 123 women who perished from the fire, smoke inhalation or falling or jumping to their deaths. Most of the victims were recent Italian and Jewish immigrant women aged 16 to 23 of the victims whose ages are known. The factory was located on upper floors of the building. The proprietors had bolted the ways to the stairwells, and ways out. This was a common practice for keeping workers from taking unapproved breaks so as to reduce theft. A significant number of the employees could not escape from the burning building basically hopped from the high windows. The fire prompted enactment to require improved factory safety standards and helped spur the growth. Progressivism Industrialization led to the emergence of huge businesses at the expense of the worker. Factory employees were overworked paid poorly and unhealthy working environments. The major corporations ensured themselves by allying with political leaders. The parties, in turn, were therefore controlled by party pioneers instead of the individuals. The progressive development was a push to cure An American of every one of its issues. The problems include the Idea of subjugation, recreation from the American civil war and women’s rights. Progressivism rejects the church for the fundamental source of change throughout the nation.( Crew,et al.pp10) The main agenda of the progressivism were to remove corrupt political machines from the office and gets more common people in the political process. Progressivism was not so much an organized movement as it a general form of spirit accepted by Americans with various objectives and backgrounds during the early twentieth century. Progressivism, belief that you can make the world a better place with a certain method to employ and achieve the goal.( Longee,et al.pp12) Federal level state, public and private. Local public safety, efficiency, regulation, reform, less corruption specialization, social equity and social control of knowledge. By initiating this, brings fairness for men and women without considering sex, race or social background.( Robinson,et al.pp12) President Theodore Roosevelt At the national level, Progressivism focused on defeating the strength of huge businesses. President Theodore Roosevelt, who took over as the Presidency when President McKinley was assassinated in 1901, helped the Progressive movement significantly. In early 1902, anthracite miners struck, requesting that the mine proprietors correct discrimination of the miners. The miners raised concerns that they had not gotten the salary increase in more than two decades. Moreover, miners’ payments came as scrip. Scrips were coupons for merchandize from organization stores. These stores charged higher prices. (Longee,et al pp12) The leader of the mine proprietors, George F. Baer, recommended that miners had committed a blunder by failing to trust the mine proprietors. He said that the mine proprietors were great, Christian men who could be confided in more than union leaders. The proprietors and the miners declined to consult with each other. As pre-winter drew closer, many expected that the coal strike would disable the economy. President Roosevelt interceded by asking the proprietors and miners to submit to arbitration. The miners acknowledged, but the owners rejected Roosevelt’s recommendation. Roosevelt at that point debilitated to use armed force to assume control over the mines. The proprietors at last assented and the strike was settled in 1903. Roosevelt’s strategy triumphed in 1904 when the Supreme Court, persuaded by the administration arguments, made by J.P Morgan and his business partners. Roosevelt chooses, however, not to assault others trust, for example, United States steel another of Morgan’s creations.(Robinson, et al.pp12) The indictment of northern securities started allegedly apprehended Roosevelt and offered. Roosevelt progressed with his Progressive activities when he restored the Sherman Antitrust Act. The Act sought to prevent organizations from consolidating into trusts and gaining monopolies. A trust is framed when many organizations freely join under a common top managerial staff to obtain total control over the whole market so that costs can be raised without the risk of contenders. Roosevelt additionally upheld the Hepburn Act, which permitted the Interstate Commerce Commission to control railways.(Carter,et al pp42) The railroads had aligned themselves with many businesses, charging higher rates to that business contenders. Accordingly, the large firms would get even more power. The Hepburn Act kept railways from giving lower rates to organizations. Roosevelt likewise championed the cause of conservation. He put an extensive land a side as part of the national park system. Work cited Crew, Hilary Susan. Experiencing America’s Story through Fiction: Historical Novels for Grades 7-12 American Library Association, 2014 Carter, Scott A. Vox Americana: Voice, race, and nation in US music, 1890-1924. Diss. The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014pp42-45 Longee, Jennifer. “Depictions of Slaves and Slavery in Young Adult Historical Fiction as Compared by the Ethnicity of the Author: A Content Analysis.” Unpublished MS in Library Science Thesis).University of North Carolina, Durham (2001) pp10-13 Robinson, Paul H., and Sarah M. Robinson “TRAGEDY, OUTRAGE & REFORM Crimes That Changed Our World: 1911–Triangle Factory Fire–Building Safety Codes.”(2016) pp10- 13

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