Introducing Organizational Behavior”

information about class assigments W1 Article #1 “SCARF: A Brain-based model for collaborating with and influencing others” Click the link below to download this article.

W1 Article #2 “Understanding neuroscience helps maximize employee performance” Click the link below to download this article. W1 Instructions for the SCARF Assignment Due Week Four: SCARF Project Reflecting on Self-Assessments and the SCARF Model For this assignment you will write a reflective essay, where you will analyze how SCARF impacts you personally within your career. If you are not working, it can be a former career. You will analyze the elements of; Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Fairness, and Relatedness in general and then provide examples to develop a framework of how you personally respond to each element within your current workplace. You will use your assessment results from the first four weeks of this class to support your discussion. Finally, discuss how the SCARF model and your assessment results either confirmed aspects that you already believed about yourself or whether they are at odds with your self-perception of yourself within an organizational group. The assignment should be submitted as a Word document, APA format is required. Title page and reference page are not counted in the 3-4 page count requirement. W1 Instructions for Team Project Due Week Six: Team Project Creating a Training Program to Address a Workplace Issue For this assignment you will work with other assigned members in the course on a team project. A majority of tasks accomplished within an organization are the result of teams working together. However, working on a team with varied personalities, backgrounds, education levels, and levels of experience can be complicated. While everyone has the mutual concern of benefiting the organization overall, they also retain various personalities differences that can make this collaboration a varied process overall.

The team will agree on and select a workplace issue, i.e.; working with an unreasonable supervisor, merging with another organization, conflict management, miscommunication, high attrition rates, high absenteeism rates, etc. Once the team has selected a workplace issues, you will be required to develop a training program on how to resolve this issue. The training program will include a PowerPoint presentation and one activity for trainees to complete during the training. The core elements of the training program that you will be evaluated on will include;

A PowerPoint presentation to conduct the training A detailed overview of the workplace issue Identification of the target audience, for example; the finance department is having issues with miscommunication therefore the target audience for the training would be the finance department, attrition in the organization overall therefore the target audience would be senior management, working with an unreasonable supervisor therefore the target audience might be general employees. A minimum of three detailed suggestions to overcome the issue, maximum of 5 detailed suggestions. Include a team-building activity within the training session. Outline the purpose, steps within the activity, and the desired outcome(s). Team-building activities are often used within organizational training sessions to increase trust, stimulate communication, and encourage collaboration. One of the key elements of the training activity should be focused upon communication and determining common aspects of personality traits among participants and identifying ways to overcome barriers of differences within personalities. The PowerPoint presentation will need to be between 20-30 slides. The team-building activity can be addressed within the PowerPoint, however the detailed outline of the activity will be submitted separately as a Word document, minimum of one page.

A peer evaluation will be conducted at the end of this activity that will be submitted to the instructor. Completion of the peer evaluation will be included in the grade weight for the team project. It will be at the discretion of the instructor, based on the peer evaluation, if the final individual grades for the team project will need to be adjusted.

Teams will provided with a private discussion forum within Blackboard to converse and share files. Teams are welcome to conference call, email, etc. outside of Blackboard but it is recommended to recap these conversations in the Blackboard private discussion forum to document interaction of team members.

W1 Instructions for Final Project Due Week Eight: Final project Proposal for an Organizational Retention and Motivation Action Plan A frequent issue that organizations suffer from in current workplace environments is retaining employees and determining effective ways to motivate employees. For this assignment, you will act as a consultant that was hired by organization ABC (of your choice). As a consultant who retains an extensive background in Organizational Behavior, you have been tasked by the contracting organization to develop a proposal for an organizational retention and motivation action plan due to the high attrition rates and declining motivation currently occurring at the organization.

Your proposal is required to be submitted as a 10-14 page Word document, APA format is required. Title page and reference page are not counted in the 10-14 page count requirement. You may select any organization to focus your proposal of an organizational retention and motivation action plan. Please be certain to address the following; Organizational behavior issues that impact retention Organizational behavior issues that impact motivation Detailed suggestions to overcome high attrition Detailed suggestions to overcome low motivation Identification of how beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions will impact this plan overall Identification of how personalities, neuroscience, diversity, gender, generational impact, and corporate culture will impact this plan overall How the plan will be communicated within organization Detailed suggestions on how to implement change, such as implementing the proposed organizational retention and motivation action plan

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