International Strategic Management

Master in International Strategic Management Q1. What are your reasons for applying for this programme? In what way do you expect you can contribute to the programme?

● With my international experience I believe I can engage with others and present different perspective for a problem and the solution.

Q2. What are your relevant academic strengths and interests for this programme? Present three of your previous courses and describe how they can be considered appropriate in preparation for this MSc programme. * ​Bachelor degree in Business Administration- Marketing & Management Relevant Courses:- 1- ​International Business​:- Required Text: Pearson: International Business, 15th ed Course Overview and Learning Objectives:

This course is designed to teach students the basic principles of the practice of conducting business internationally from a U.S. business perspective. In addition to concepts from the text, I will present practical real-world information to augment the material from the text. Students will participate in classroom discussion, lively debate, be quizzed and tested to measure and demonstrate their understanding of the specific course objectives. Some of the objectives in delivering this course are as follows:

Create and/or enhance students understanding of the nature and sensitivities associated with globalization and of conducting business in a global business environment.

Develop an understanding of important concepts, theories and practices when conducting business internationally

Develop a means by which various risks associated with international business can be identified, evaluated and mitigated.

Implications and importance of current U.S. politics and economic implications as they relate to and influence U.S. international business activities.

2- ​Strategic Management​:-

Course Objectives:

This course involves business strategy, which is concerned with answering the question: ​“Why are some organizations more successful than others?” ​With that in mind, we first analyze the external environment and the firm’s unique features, then consider measurement tools, and finally investigate interrelationships between firms within industries. The culmination of the course is a comprehensive, well-reasoned strategic recommendation for a business.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Assess an industry to determine its attractiveness

Evaluate a business using specific analytical techniques and frameworks

Understand how to compare and choose among strategic alternatives

3- ​Management & Organization Behavior​:-

Primary Objectives

1. BMGT 340 provides students the opportunity to learn about the foundations and fundamentals of management and organizational behavior. A combination of readings, films, self and group assessments, and both in-class and outside exercises will be used to enhance learning and understanding in this area.

2. Students develop an understanding of behaviors, reasons for behaviors (such as ability

or motivation issues), and appropriate – as well as legal and ethical – ways of dealing with and communicating about those behaviors.

Learning Outcome Summary

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

Understand the roles and responsibilities associated with management, including planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and leading;

Demonstrate knowledge of the historical, classic and contemporary management concepts and theories;

Understand the specific organizational roles of a human resource management professional and the connection between people/employee management, firm strategy, and the bottom line;

Understand the basics of managing people in a global economy with an increasingly culturally diverse workforce and to make ethical decisions that are socially sensitive;

Be familiar with the basics of the political, technological, environmental, and legal impacts on managing people in different geographical locations;

Demonstrate critical thinking skills and the ability to recognize typical behaviors associated with organizational productivity (including behaviors driven by individual/group differences, global diversity, motivation, conflicts, decision-making, leadership, unions and innovation). Understand

ways to manage people with behavioral issues either through addressing ability and/or motivation;

Understand the legal considerations that must be taken into account in employment processes from hiring to termination, understand maintaining and developing employees, including safety, health, and personal growth issues;

Be familiar with techniques of analyzing and designing jobs and organizations, including structure and culture, to address productivity and performance;

Demonstrate ability to effectively communicate at all levels about people and performance issues that require differential motivational and leadership competencies to enhance individual, group/team, and organizational performance;

Understand the elements of change and how to introduce, manage, and lead change at all levels (with individuals, with groups/teams, and with the organization as a whole).

Q3. What are your career ambitions immediately after graduating from this programme? How do you see your career developing over the next five years? Outline the challenges you think you will face in achieving these career goals and how you will overcome them. Q4. Reflect on your fulfilment of the prerequisites and/or recommended prior knowledge. Are there any other relevant qualifications you wish to draw to our attention for this programme, e.g. work experience or extracurricular activities?

● I’ve worked in different countries and learned from each culture.

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