Internal Promotion Opportunity-Study of Internal Promotion Opportunity is professionally important for me as I will be able to give my best at work so as to expose my potential. The goal of this communication is to be able to be in a position to fully utilize my potential and give the organization competitive advantage.

Internal Promotion Opportunity






Internal Promotion Opportunity


Internal promotion is an active human resource process driven and managed by a Career Development Specialist. This process does not involve a human resource recruiter but is driven by HR and the upper management. Promotion process fills gaps in the organization (Susan, 2016). It is based on ones’ performance. Identification of top performers and employees of high potential is done by the HR. Once identified, there get promoted to positions where their potential will be fully utilized thus building competitive advantage for the organization. It is important to note that internal promotion jobs are not advertised and other employees can not apply for those positions.

Importance and Goal

Study of Internal Promotion Opportunity is professionally important for me as I will be able to give my best at work so as to expose my potential. The goal of this communication is to be able to be in a position to fully utilize my potential and give the organization competitive advantage.


I target a number of people, the top management in my organization, the HR department and my fellow employees. The top management is comprised of both male and female members. They comprise members of different ages both senior citizens and the youth. The HR department comprises of members of different age groups and gender so are the employers. All the members of my target audience possess a bachelor’s degree and above. Their income varies according to the positions they hold with the top management having a higher income than the rest.

My relationship to the audience is through employment with the top management being my superiors, HR my recruiters and employees my colleagues. The audience members having a bachelor’s degree and above are well experienced in their relevant fields as well as their years of service at the organization leaves them with a wealth of experience to handle the challenges in their various departments. The top management is keen on identifying and utilizing the full potential of the workforce and giving them an opportunity to utilize the same.

Some employees are excited about this challenge and are keen on giving their best in order to have this opportunity while some employees feel less motivated as they feel those being promoted are getting preferential treatment. My belief of rewarding only the best will not go down with employees who are lazy and not keen in stretching themselves.

Available Information

I will gather information about my audience from my past personal interactions with them this way I will be able to know how to approach them basing on their personalities, personal interviews: I will try to conduct personal interviews with all members of audience which might not be completely possible based on their engagements and availability especially the top management who are in most cases engaged with other organizational duties and finally through questionnaires for members of the audience who are not available to attend the personal interviews. My audience has been receptive and helpful in this communications with everyone giving their honest position on the communication I have received feedback from all my information gathering techniques.


The setting is a formal one since a formal report is being submitted to the top management as well as other employees. The communication will be both personal and impersonal since it will be communicated through various channels. The communication channels will be through the report that will be available in soft copy to all members of the audience and in hard copy pinned on notice boards around the organization. Seminars and workshops will also be used to convey the communication.


The primary message is Internal Promotion Opportunity and its difference from Internal Recruitment. The message is not only compelling and memorable but also clear and concise. It is also aligned with my audiences’ needs and goals as it seeks to know whether to fill the existing positions with new talent or to promote internally. The message emphasizes the findings of the research on internal promotion opportunities, its advantages and disadvantages and recommendations whether an organization should take it up or not and if yes why they should embrace the method. For example the effects on the organization costs, the effect of internal promotion on the organization and employees. The key message also clearly distinguishes between internal recruitment and promotion which has in the past been confusing. How to communicate internal promotion to the candidate and other employees has also been outlined.

Supporting Points

Internal promotion has been seen to be beneficial to the organization. It is more affordable for the organization to promote internally than hire from outside and the organization is able to save on the advertising costs. Internal promotion saves on time it would take an organization to advertise conduct the recruitment process and train the hired employee. The internally promoted employee is familiar with the organizational goals hence will get to work immediately as opposed to hiring from outside where it will require orientation and he or she will take time to get acquainted with the organizational goals. Research facts will be obtained from online journals as well as online libraries and also through reading reports conducted on the same.

Channel Selection

I will use the tell communication style as I will be explain what internal promotion opportunity is and telling them about its pros and cons. This communication will come as a report as I have been able to conduct an extensive research about the communication and thus will present my findings to the targeted audience. The reports will be available in soft and hard copy. The soft copy will be shared to all targeted audience and hard copies pinned in the organization’s notice boards. This will ensure all members targeted are able to view the report. Communication to the organization can also be done through teambuilding, seminars and corporate workshops. The organization’s employees will have a chance to understand why the company has taken the internal promotion option as opposed to advertising for the position.

Action Request

The call to action to my audience is clear concise and actionable. Internal promotion is well defined and distinguished from internal recruitment. The pros and cons for internal promotion are outlined so is the process involved in promoting internally.


There is confusion between internal recruitment and internal promotion. Internal recruitment is passive while internal promotion is an active HR process whereby the positions are not advertised and other employees not allowed to apply for this positions. Most employees complain about the slots that are filled through internal promotion. This is because the jobs are attractive and they desired to be given an opportunity to compete for the jobs. It is the responsibility for the HR to have a clear communication strategy for promotion internally. The employees should realize there is lack of full democracy in the organization.

The top management is charged with ensuring effectiveness of the organization and they can decide to promote an employee who has exhibited potential. The employees should also realize that not many employees can be closely monitored and not all can join the career development program. Those who have not made it into the program can compete for the internal vacancies that are open as they might still get recognized for the internal promotion opportunities at a later time.

There can be an easy coexistence between internal recruitment and internal promotion. Critical job opportunities can be filled by the top management and the rest of the remaining positions can be applied for by the employees. It is important for the top management to have a complete basic structure. The rest of the vacancies can be filled by promoted employees. As a business grows, it is important to create new duties and expand the existing roles in the organization in order to ensure the organizations success. The organization is then forced to either promote from within the organization or to hire new workforce. This decision is a tough decision especially when employees who are dedicated and have high skills compete for the positions against the talents you have not discovered yet.

Succession planning is an efficient method of recruiting new employees. It is the process of where existing employees are educated, mentored and promoted in order to increase an organizations growth and productivity. Internal promotion has been to be more beneficial (Deborah, 2013). This is because promoting employees is cheaper compared to hiring of new talent. This is because the organization will have cut down on advertisement, training and saved on time which would have reduced on productivity. Internal promotion does not cost the organization much apart from basic training and preparation time.

Existing employees have already proved their loyalty to the organizations mission and vision and thus it is advisable to promote internally rather than gamble with new talent that may not show such loyalty to the organization. Hiring a new employee and having them ready to commence work is time consuming and this reduces on productivity as a time is wasted on the transition period. However if internal promotion is done, the employees is well familiar with the goals of the organization and the tasks that are associated with success.

Some employees take a long period of time sometimes years to get acquitted with working with each other as a team. To be able to work in a higher position in the organization, one must uphold the culture of the company and fit well. This can be achieved through proper job matching as well as team building.

Hiring talent from outside the company may disturb the corporate culture; result in breakdowns in efficiency and cohesion in a team. Promoting internally is a more efficient way for team development within the corporate culture. Internal promotion has a number of disadvantages. No new ideas are brought to the organization; the job advertised may need skills that are not available in the organization.

Internal promotion can cause hate among the employees who might feel they were more deserving. There may be too many applicants to pick from. Less qualified employees maybe promoted than those who are outside the organization. Many applicants will be demotivated as they have in their posts for a very long time.


Deborah, S. (2013). 4 Benefits of Promoting Within Instead of Hiring New Employees. Retrieved from

Susan, M. (2016). A Promotion Rewards an Employee for Work Contributions.

Charley, M. (2016). How to Prepare for an Internal Interview: 8 Tips to Get a Promotion.

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