Insurance MGT-430 – Term Paper


MGT-430 – Term Paper Rubric Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Students will complete the assignment with attention to the following criteria: Rating Scale Exemplary: Corresponds to an A- to A (90-100%)

Proficient: Corresponds to B- to B+ (80-89%) Basic: Corresponds to C- to C+ (70-79%) Novice: Corresponds to D to D+ (60-69%) Not Attempted: Corresponds to an F (0-59%)



Score (pts)

Not Attempted

(Criterion is missing or not in


Novice (does not meet expectations;

performance is substandard)

Basic (works towards

meeting expectations; performance needs


Proficient (meets expectations;

performance is satisfactory)

Exemplary (exceeds

expectations; performance is


Substance of Content


□ Content lacking any substance. No key points are addressed

0.0 – 17.9 pts

□ Content has little- to-no substance. One or two key points are addressed

18.0 – 20.9 pts

□ Content has limited substance. Some key points are addressed 21.0 – 23.9 pts

□ Content is substantive. Most key points are addressed

24.0 – 26.9 pts

□ Content is very thorough and substantive. All key points are addressed

27.0 – 30 pts


Development, & Logical flow of ideas from one section to

another 20%

□ No evidence of logical flow or organization

0.0 – 11.9 pts

□ Little evidence of logical flow. Organization is demonstrated only to a slight degree

12.0 – 13.9 pts

□ Content is partially developed to a logical degree. Basic organization is demonstrated

14.0 – 15.9 pts

□ Content is developed in a logical sequence. Proficient organization is demonstrated.

16.0 – 17.9 pts

□ Content is developed in a very logical sequence. Exceptional organization is demonstrated

18.0 – 20 pts


Integration of Core Values


□ No mention of core values

0.0 – 11.9 pts

□ Some mention of, but no integration of core values

12.0 – 13.9 pts

□ Some mention of and limited integration of core values

14.0 – 15.9 pts

□ Satisfactory integration of core values

16.0 – 17.9 pts

□ Excellent and thorough integration of core values

18.0 – 20 pts


Writing Mechanics & Formatting


□ Does not demonstrate proper use of grammar, punctuation, organization, vocabulary, and spelling.

0.0 – 8.9 pts

□ Demonstrates limited use of grammar, punctuation, organization, vocabulary, and spelling.

9.0 – 10.4 pts

□ Demonstrates basic use of grammar, punctuation, organization, vocabulary, and spelling.

10.5 – 11.9 pts

□ Demonstrates proficient use of grammar, punctuation, organization, vocabulary, and spelling.

12.0 – 13.4 pts

□ Demonstrates exemplary use of grammar, punctuation, organization, vocabulary, and spelling.

13.5 – 15 pts


_____/15 □ No evidence

of a response 0.0 – 8.9 pts

□ Does not include APA formatting for citations, references, and headings.

9.0 – 10.4 pts

□ Attempts APA formatting for citations, references, and headings, but has many errors.

10.5 – 11.9 pts

□ Demonstrates APA formatting for citations, references, and headings, but has some errors.

12.0 – 13.4 pts

□ Demonstrates correct APA formatting for citations, references, and headings.

13.5 – 15 pts

Comments/Feedback: _____/100 pts

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