instructional design

In order to do instructional design properly, a person must be skilled at deciding what data to look at to identify a problem and must be able to read data collected and see the patterns and discrepancies that may signal a problem area. This scenario assignment requires you to create a needs analysis which is a critical first step in any instructional design approach.

Scenario: You are an independent Instructional Design consultant hired by a small community college to identify and fix a problem they are having in retaining students in their Education program. They have provided you with all the data they have collected so far.

Review the data provided here (data pack 1) . Prepare a report for the administration explaining the problem identified and the recommended next steps.

What data in this report appears to be problematic? What problems does it suggest? What additional information would you need to make a final recommendation? How would you gather it? Is there a learning gap identified or another kind of problem? What data is useful and what data is not useful to your analysis? Based on the data what is your interpretation of the organization’s instructional design philosophy, defend your perception. What would you recommend as the next steps? Give a rationale based on the data provided.

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