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Creation of a Business Brand through marketing

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The current topic that surrounds business is the issue of marketing, marketing is one of the major issues that surrounds business and it has been able to evolve very fast, this can be looked at the conventional ways in which marketing was used to be carried in the past decade. The rise of social media as a communication tool has been able to improve the dynamics of marketing. This has led to the creation of adds, celebrity endorsement, creativity in the creation of content. These dynamics have occurred so fast and many people have not been able to adjust and others are trying to adjust now and be able to improve the standard and the stake of their business so as to avoid being driven out by competitors. There are certain tools that were used previously to foster marketing and they have now been rendered obsolete, therefore technology demands that there needs to be constant innovation and catching up so as to be able to understand the dynamics of marketing and also the business as it operates its daily activities.

Among the various many things that the business needs to do is to change the organizational structure so as to ensure that the brand management is done effectively. Many organizations are tearing apart the operation of their business organization from the conventional operation to the modern way of operation which enabled the business to stay afloat. This has although come with its fair share of challenges that have left the Chief Marketing Officers (from here forthwith it will be referred CMOs) with a challenge of coming up with a new chart. The CMOs have failed to come up with an effective structure because they have failed to identify the values and goals that relate to their brand.

It is important for the CMOs to understand that the marketing structure should be able to the strategy. This was best understood by the former McDonald’s CMOS Mr. Larry when he was appointed to be the chief brand officer of the InterContinental Hotel Group, where the marketing team was not ready to reorganize its operation (Weed, 2017). Mr. Larry took an approach of ensuring that the team was able to define its marketing purpose, goals and the procedure of achieving them. This provided a rational for reorganization of the marketing strategy.

This topic of marketing is a current topic because there are various emerging brand and therefore in certain instance it may be problematic to create an effective brand. This will therefore demand as the business are growing and globalization has become the major factor of so many businesses. It will be good for them if they will be able to create a suitable brand that will be able to push for their agenda. This will help them to create a brand that will be identified with their target group. Effective marketing is directly proportional to the success of any business. However, the dynamics within the marketing field have been able to shape the face of marketing and how the businesses operate. It will be good to for any business or organization to take cognizance of the changes in technology so as to be able to address the issue of creating a brand effectively.

The selection of a proper marketing style of various business has been able to see some giants go down. This does not mean that the giants were not working but they did not create a brand that could be identifies with its customers as times went by. This saw the emergence of companies like Apple that used a proper marketing strategy and organizational chart that was in synch with the operation of the business. Nokia on the other hand which was a giant that no one really saw its fall was overtaken (Joshua, 2015). This therefore implies as argued on earlier by the former CMO of McDonald is that structure must follow strategy and not the other way round.

For business to be able to create a successful brand the following are some of the characteristics that they should bear or have.

1. Having big data, for deep insights. This will help marketers in the sense that they will be able to get the date of the consumers and from it they will be able to use the information to target their customers. This is because from the message they will be able to know consumer(s) is/ are doing, when and where. This provides the companies with an interpretation which will provide them with an understanding of why they are doing it. This therefore yields much more knowledge of consumer needs and how this needs can be met.

2. Purposeful Positioning, for a business to be a top brand it will need to be able to deliver on the purpose of the brand, why the consumer purchases the brand and emotional beliefs of the customer. This will also take into account motivation of employees for them to become better employees. This will come in handy in the creation of a powerful brand since the employee is considered to be the first consumer of the goods being offered by the company (Rayan, 2017). This will make the brand to be successful because it would have positioned itself with a purpose.

3. Preparing the business for growth, it is important to note that marketing of a successful business is not left out to the marketing department, each and every employee is supposed to take part of play in it for it to be successful. This is usually done to ensure that all levels within the business know the brand purpose and that they are working to ensure that the brand purpose is achieved.

In summary marketing is an essential element to any business that is operational, however there has been stiff competition that has emerged in the world of business and therefore there is need to have an effective marketing strategy. This has been among the trending topics in business since certain organizations are strategizing so as to be able to create a successful brand that will be able to have a competitive advantage over other competitors.


Joshua, C. (2015). The culture factor in Marketing. Chichago: Harvard Business Review.

Rayan, S. (2017). Marketing and Business management in the digital era. forbes.

Weed, M. d. (2017). The Ultimate Marketing Machine. Harvard Business Review.

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