Initial Case Conceptualization

Initial Case Conceptualization


Initial Case Conceptualization Scoring Guide research paper

Due Date: Unit 5 Percentage of Course Grade: 12%.

Initial Case Conceptualization Scoring Guide

Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Apply mental health counseling theories to case conceptualization. 16% Does not identify mental health counseling theories or apply them to case conceptualization. Identifies mental health counseling theories, but does not apply them to case conceptualization. Applies mental health counseling theories to case conceptualization. Applies mental health counseling theories to case conceptualization and provides rationale for theory selection.
Formulate a DSM 5 diagnosis and identify related ICD 10 code through appropriate principles and processes. 16% Does not identify a DSM diagnosis. Identifies a DSM diagnosis, but ICD 10 code is omitted or the use of appropriate principles and processes is not apparent. Formulates a DSM 5 diagnosis and identifies a related ICD 10 code through appropriate principles and processes. Uses best practices and processes based on current literature to formulate a DSM 5 diagnosis and identify the related ICD 10 code.
Incorporate assessment and diagnostic information when formulating appropriate counseling goals. 16% Does not incorporate assessment and diagnostic information when formulating counseling goals. Alignment of counseling goals assessment and diagnostic information is unclear. Incorporates assessment and diagnostic information when formulating appropriate counseling goals. Analyzes assessment and diagnostic information, and considers multiple possibilities when formulating appropriate counseling goals.
Develop clear counseling goals with measurable outcomes. 16% Does not identify counseling goals. Identifies counseling goals, but they are unclear or outcomes are not measurable. Develops clear counseling goals with measurable outcomes. Evaluates criteria and means of measuring outcomes when developing clear counseling goals and outcomes.
Apply multicultural competencies to the case conceptualization and diagnosis process. 16% Does not identify multicultural competencies or apply them to the case conceptualization and diagnosis process. Identifies multicultural competencies, but there are gaps in how they are applied to the case conceptualization and diagnosis process. Applies multicultural competencies to the case conceptualization and diagnosis process. Applies multicultural competencies to the case conceptualization and diagnosis process, integrating best practices based on current literature.
Critically evaluate the efficacy of a theory used in mental health counseling. 10% Does not describe use of a theory in mental health counseling. Describes use of a theory in mental health counseling, but does not evaluate its efficacy. Critically evaluates the efficacy of a theory used in mental health counseling. Critically evaluates theory efficacy and supports rationale with clear examples and references to current literature.
Write with good organization and comply with APA guidelines. 10% Writes with poor organization and/or does not follow APA guidelines. Writes with errors in organization and/or APA guidelines. Writes with good organization and complies with APA guidelines. Writes concisely with excellent clarity and organization, with no errors in spelling, grammar or syntax, following APA guidelines.
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