Get Essay Help-Informative Interview Of Athletic Director

Get Essay Help-Informative Interview Of Athletic Director

Conduct an in-person informational interview of a current high school or middle school athletic director. If you are currently an athletic director yourself, interview a colleague from another school.

Visit to find guidance on conducting an informational interview. In particular, look at Informational Interview Questions. You do not need to ask every suggested question – your primary goal should be to ask questions that will help you complete the Module 2 Challenge (hint: look ahead to that assignment).

Your paper should be no more than 3 pages (excluding title page). Include the following information at the beginning of the paper: the date and location of the interview; the name and job title of the person interviewed; and a summary of the response to each question (do not include an exact transcript of the responses, and do not repeat the questions asked – these should be evident from the summary). No reference page or in-text citations are necessary (you are effectively citing the source in your introductory information).



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