Individual Essay Help on a Public Organization in Dubai-United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Individual Essay Help on a Public Organization in Dubai-United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Assessment 1 Individual Essay-Using the textual sources, please write your essay on one of the following topic. Please use relevant a example(s) of public organization(s) in Dubai/the UAE.


These points should be included in the essay


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Literature review.
  4. Analysis :
  • Organizational function.
  • Innovation become important agenda ( innovation derive).
  • Who is intiative
  • What did organization did when innovation come ? did they adopt a strategy?
  • After applying the strategy they choose , did they face challenges?
  • Are their any good success they achieve ?
  1. Is there any recommendation for this organization?
  2. Conclusion

The first part of question is theoretical and the second part of the question is providing real examples.

Essay Assignment Criteria

  • Your essay should be written in 3000 words (+ – 5% is acceptable)
  • The cover page should include the title of the essay topic, your name and student number, the date of submission, and the word count.
  • The report should be typed and clearly laid out, preferably Times New Roman 12-point font, 1 1/2-line spacing
  • Use Harvard referencing style throughout the report (use the attached Harvard reference guide)
  • Please check your English including structure, spellings and grammar thoroughly.
  • The key to success is planned work: participation in essay planning, literature review, writing and presentation as well as critical analysis are also important.
  • Make specific recommendations, resulting from the use of analysis. Not simple description of what you have seen without thinking about it.
  • Use diagrams and graphics where these help. Do not include them if they are not referred to in the text.
  • Use tables to cover points concisely, and to compare and contrast issues you wish to address.
  • Use appendices appropriately, as more detailed explanations, results and evidence which directly support assertions you make in your essay, but which are not suitable for the main body of the text.
  • Table of Contents and Appendices do not contribute to word count.
  • Please check theMarking Rubrics for Essay and Presentation to write a well-researched essay and to make your presentation


Essay Marking Criteria


Literature review, Critical analysis, Authority, Logic


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