independent research

Think about and do some independent research on the terms “quality of life” and “quality of care.”

•         Quality of life- an experience of happiness, comfort, and health of an individual or groups.

•         Quality of care- the degree to which the quality of care services for individuals and the population increases the desired health outcomes.

2.      How do these two terms differ yet how do they relate/similarities?

•         Quality of life and quality of care are very similar in the sense that they both want positive outcome when it comes to health and comfort. Quality of life is different from quality of care because they focus more on the individual and their health and care. While quality of care focuses on treatment, but with that being said they strive to create quality of life better.

3.      Can you have one without the other?

•         No, because quality of care influences quality of life. The treatment of an induvial or group can and will affect their health and comfort experience.

4.      As healthcare providers and professionals, how can we promote, assure and measure care practices that maximize quality of life for residents/patients?

•         As healthcare providers and professionals we need to be able to provide the absolute best care for our patients and their families. According to the article Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century they provide six ways to perform better quality of care. They are safety, timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equality, and patient-centeredness. Though they seem very basic and expected each of these topics are lacking in almost every way.



Mayberry, R. M., Nicewander, D. A., Qin, H., & Ballard, D. J. (2006, April 19). Improving      quality and reducing inequities: a challenge in achieving best care. Retrieved February 09, 2018, from

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