Identity Theft- Discuss the events facilitating the vice

Identity Theft

In the year 2017, approximately 145 million Americans experienced a data breach on behalf of equifax, one of the nations three major credit reporting agencies. This breach lasted from mid-May through July and came as a massive shock to the American people. This particular breach is important to emphasize because of the sheer scale and the plethora of information that was stolen.

During this several-month long breech, hackers were able to obtain “tax identification numbers, email addresses and drivers’ license information beyond the license numbers” This allowed criminals to open fake accounts using this information. One of the most alarming aspects of this breech is that anybody is susceptible through no fault of their own. Consumers have no choice but to have all their personal information recorded in places such as equifax, and were hence completely unable to protect themselves against this fraud. Discuss the events facilitating the vice.



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