Identify The Key Governance Issues That Contribute To The Impact Of Crisis

Assignment Requirement: group investigates one corporate scandal. Create up to 15-minute presentation profiling the organisation at the centre of the scandal, identifying the key governance issues that contributed to this. Explain what (if anything) with the benefits of hindsight and incorporating unit learning, could have been done to avoid and/or reduce the impact the crisis (if it was unavoidable)?

Groups of up to 4 students max! Investigate one of the following corporate crises:

1. The Enron Collapse (2001)

1. The Worldcom Collapse (2002)

1. The Royal Ahold Scandal (2003)

1. The Palamalat Financial Fraud Scandal (2002-2005)

1. James Hardie Industries and its Conduct in Addressing Asbestos Claims

1. The Collapse of HIH Insurance

1. Nomura’s Sokiya’s Payoffs

1. The 2015 FIFA Corruption Scandal

1. The Lehman Brothers Collapse

1. Or a corporate crisis agreed to in consultation with UC/ workshop facilitator

Extra information

For Enron –

For Enron –

For Parmalat –


1. summarising key facts, findings and decisions

1. One question and prepared answer from each group member- state name/ ID against each set. Each question answered in no more than 100 words– the more controversial the better .

We got total of 3 members, so need 3 Questions and 3 Answer.

Each presentation will be no longer than 15 minutes in length.

Used of Corporate Governance knowledge –

11. “Principal and Agent theory” ,

11. “1 tier or 2 tier board” ,

11. “Impact of independent directors on firm performance and managerial ownership: how should one design managerial compensation contracts in order to avoid it?” ,

11. “effectiveness & efficiency of gatekeepers or corporate governance intermediaries (in corporate governance)”

11. “ Recommend at least 1 or 2 case-specific feasible ‘devices’, stating critical justification, retrospective & prospective actions by relevant gatekeepers to prevent corporate scandals” – the role of gatekeepers in corporate governance

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