ICS Architecture Final Project SEC6082-Get Quality Custom Essay Help

ICS Architecture Final Project SEC6082-Get Quality Custom Essay Help

Work stands-out as exemplary,  is accurately detailed, and in line with course content

Architecture section provides a clear and concise statement and description
Includes a clear and concise overview of the network architecture including detailed description physical, logical, protocols or devices
Includes a clear and concise description of ICS security architecture and detailed description of device security configurations
Include clear and concise appendices that build on the main content.
Figures and descriptions are the content and express the ideas beyond the text.
Uses 5 or more references and integrates them clearly and concisely  into the document
Ability to incorporate graphical data/info & link key relationships is superior
Design assess in technical detail the impact of  the unique challenges that exist in securing Industrial Control Systems with customized solutions to address those challenges
Design provides a clear and concise description of methods to balance security with potential negative impact to process operations and productivity.
Design provides lots of options for security implementations with detailed guidance
Varied well-constructed sentences are evident throughout the document with an appropriate stylistic flair
No  spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors are readily apparent
No APA errors are readily apparent
Creates interest, engages and involves the audience, sets stage for the main presentation
Main points are clear and well developed – Etc. Logical development is easy to follow
Conclusion summarizes and drives home main points.
Presentation aids are of professional quality, enhancing the flow and persuasiveness (well integrated graphs, video or other electronic media)


ICS Network Architecture

Provide a brief description of what will occur during this phase.  For example: This is the phase where you will describe the physical and logical design of your network, etc.  This phase has three sections: Physical and Logical Designs; Protocols; and Devices.

  1. Physical and Logical Designs

There are many physical and logical network designs possible.  ICS networks usually have more than one physical and logical network solution.  Describe your physical and logical ICS network designs here.  Include Visios or Excel designs to graphically illustrate your designs.

A block of words is provided below to jog your mind:

Ring, star, bus, mesh, twisted pair, coax, fiber, microwave, satellite.

  1. Protocols

This section is where you will document and describe the protocols in use, where, and why.  The protocols listed should be represented in your network diagram(s).  A block of words is provided below to jog your mind:

DNP3, Fieldbus, Modbus, Profibus, Ethernet.

  1. Devices

A list of devices should be provided with as much information as possible.  Identify the open ports and services running on each.  List them here and explain why you’ve chosen them.  All devices listed should appear in your network diagram(s).

Follow these steps below:

  1. Identify the device.
  2. Identify what the device does.
  3. Identify the open ports.
  4. Identify the services running on these ports.

Example devices include, but are not limited to: Router, firewall, IDS/IPS, Honeypot, Historian, PLC, RTU, IED, data acquisition server, HMI, protocol gateway, SCADA master station, sensors.

ICS Security Architecture

List each device you previously documented in “3. Devices” but this time annotate how they will be secured.  This will require you to research vendor documentation, industry best practices, and other authoritative sources.  Identify known weaknesses of the devices and how you will mitigate them.

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