Human Factors in Network Design and Performance Characteristics. its a report and need complete analysis. 

Human Factors in Network Design and Performance Characteristics. its a report and need complete analysis.

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines

Unit Code BN321

Unit Title Advanced Network Design

Assessment Type Individual written report and demonstration – T3 2017 (Assignment 2)

Assessment Title Human Factors in Network Design and Performance Characteristics

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

This assignment is designed to assess students’ knowledge and skills related to the following learning outcomes:

 Apply concepts and theories of human factors as related to network design and implementation

 Compare performance metrics and dimensions according to specifications

Weight 15% of the total assessments

Total Marks 50

Word limit 1500 – 2000

Due Date 30th January, 2018

Submission Guidelines

 All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.

 The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.

 Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

Extension  If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School’s Administration Officer, on academic reception ( Melbourne Campus level 6, Sydney Campus level 7). You must submit this application within three working days of the assessment due date. Further information is available at: and-guidelines/specialconsiderationdeferment

Academic Misconduct

 Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: mit/institute-publications/policies-procedures-and-guidelines/Plagiarism- Academic-Misconduct-Policy-Procedure. For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.

BN321 Advanced Network Design Page 2 of 3

Prepared by: Mr Naveed Dilber Moderated by: Dr Jahan Hassan January, 2018

Assignment 2


Network analysis, architecture, and design are processes used to produce designs that are logical,

reproducible, and defensible. The analysis, architecture, and design processes can be applied to any network

project, regardless of size or scope. In this project you are required to design a network for an IT Call Centre

that requires installation and implementation of networking hardware/software using the latest

technologies which can accommodate their network load now and for another five years.

Task 1:

It is difficult to build a solution if you don’t know the requirements. User requirements are the least technical

and also the most subjective. Your task is to gather requirements (User, Application, Device and Network) to

complete this project with the help of techniques such as questionnaire, one-on-one interviews with users,

Call Centre management, and staff members.

Application requirements can be determined from application information, experience, testing and

represent what is needed by applications to successfully operate on the system. Device requirements are

related to performance characteristics of network and their location information. With the help of diagrams

and flow charts, categorise all these requirements in groups and create an assessment plan for the Call

Centre network.

Task 2:

Your task is to come up with a logical, efficient and scalable network design that is suitable for the Call

Centre’s requirements. Analyse all requirements gathered in Task 1 and propose suggestions accordingly.

Create network performance metrics such as Bandwidth, Delay, Jitter, Packet loss, Utilisation, etc. and justify

your proposed solution. Make sure you provide enough information to allow IT technicians to build network

infrastructure from scratch. The company has allocated an adequate budget to purchase any networking

devices such as routers, switches, IP phones, access points, network cables, etc., yet obviously does not want

to spend more than necessary.

Marking criteria: Sections to be included in the report

Description of the section Marks

Task 1 Requirements Gathering

Requirements Gathering from Users, Devices, Application and Network.


Technique used for collecting requirements in Task 1

Clarity of Technique used in a way to collect maximum requirements.


Task 2 Network Design

Include a diagram of your designed network, and write justifications of your design.


Performance Metrics Network performance metrics defined and justified. 10

Reference style Follow IEEE reference style. 5

Total 50

BN321 Advanced Network Design Page 3 of 3

Prepared by: Mr Naveed Dilber Moderated by: Dr Jahan Hassan January, 2018

Marking Rubrics

Grades Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Task 1 Requirement s Gathering /15

Requirements gathered are always concise and specific to the project

Requirements gathered are moderately concise and specific to the project

Requirements gathered are somewhat relevant to the project.

Some relevance but not well presented.

This is not relevant to the assignment topic.

Technique used for collecting requirements in Task 1 /5

Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and is relevant to assessment requirements

Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically but the few materials used are not relevant

Demonstrated good ability to think critically and is relevant to assessment requirements

Demonstrated satisfactory ability to think critically and is relevant to assessment requirements

Did not demonstrate ability to think critically and is not relevant to assessment requirements

Task 2 Network Design /15

Network Design logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments

Network Design logic is clear but not clearly presented with arguments

Network Design logic is moderately clear and easy to follow with strong arguments

Network Design logic is not clear; however, some arguments are satisfactory

Network Design logic is not clear and not presented appropriately

Performance Metrics /10

Performance metrics are concise and well related to assessment requirements

Performance metrics are moderately concise and well related to assessment requirements

Performance metrics are concise; however, arguments are not related to assessment requirements

Performance metrics are not concise but some arguments are related to assessment requirements

Performance metrics are not concise and not related to assessment requirements

Reference style /5

Clear styles with excellent source of references.

Clear referencing style

Generally good referencing style

Sometimes clear referencing style

Lacks consistency with many errors

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