Salvation, Cosmogony and Human Nature-What is compelling about this category? Why is it important in the study of religion?

1. Select ONE (1) category from the completed World View Chart, e.g., “Cosmogony,” “Human Nature,” “Salvation” — NOT a particular religion. Provide a rationale for choosing this category. What is compelling about this category? Why is it important in the study of religion?

2. Describe the selected content and explain the significance of the selected category across ALL of the religions studied. Show in what ways the category is significant for each religion.

3. Give an example of how you have noticed this category in your life, town or country. What impact does this category have in the everyday lives of people who practice religion in your area? (You do not have to give examples of all the religions in your area, just one you have noticed besides any you practice). For example, in Cincinnati, Ohio, there are Hindu, Greek Orthodox, Catholic festivals in the summer. So if my category were “Festivals and Celebrations” I could use those events as my example.



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