HSHM521 Financial and Resource Management in Healthcare Assignment 1

Financial and Resource Management in Healthcare

Assignment 1

Due Date: 15 December 2017

40 marks

Important: You must show all calculations and explain how you got all your answers. For example, suppose a question asks what the profit will be in a particular month and you put “$50,000”. Even if this is correct you will receive no marks if you do not show how you got the answer.


There is generally no need for footnotes or references. If you quote or refer to sources this must be acknowledged. It is essential that the work is your own.



QUESTION 1 (8 Marks)

Several transactions are listed below. What impact do they have on assets, liabilities and owner’s equity – ie do they result in an increase or decrease in assets, liabilities and owner’s equity? You need to explain how you got your answer – to do this you need to specify what accounts would have been affected.


  1. Patient services are provided for cash
  2. Medical equipment is purchased on credit
  3. Payment is made for the equipment purchased on credit
  4. Money is received from patients for services provided last month
  5. Land is bought for $2 million – $1 million is paid from the hospital’s cash account and $1 million from borrowings from a bank.
  6. A telephone account is received and recorded: payment will be made later.
  7. Salaries are paid in cash
  8. Dividends are paid to shareholders.



QUESTION 2 (5 Marks)

The profit and loss statement for the year ended 30 June 2016 for the Randwick Private Hospital shows a loss of $10 million. But from the balance sheet you observe that cash on hand as at 30 June 2015 was $4.3 million and as at 30 June 2016 was $8.4 million. Give three possible reasons why the hospital could report a loss for the year while its cash balances increased.

QUESTION 3 (12 Marks)

Items from the Happy Valley Hospital’s balance sheet and revenue and expense (income) statement for the 2015/16 financial year (ending 30 June) were accidentally listed in alphabetical order as follows:



Administration expenses                                                  12,165

Audit fees                                                                            167

Cash at bank                                                                       2,276

Cleaning                                                                              869

Drugs expense                                                                   9,866

Food expense                                                                     2,287

Fuel, light and power                                                         1,090

Government grants                                                            141,759

Infrastructure expenses                                                    2,129

Interest income                                                                   477

Inventories at end of year                                                 1,566

Long-term investments                                                      100

Long-term lease liability                                                    906

Medical and surgical expenses                                       17,585

Miscellaneous revenue                                                    19,470

Non-current provisions                                                     10,676*

Other creditors                                                                    14,235

Other expenses                                                                  13,889

Owner’s Equity                                                                   133,378

Patient fees receivable                                                      2,079

Patient fees                                                                         12,570

Private practice revenue                                                   4,865

Property, plant and equipment                                        131,707

Repairs and maintenance                                                3,253

Salaries and Wages                                                          103,494

Short-term borrowings                                                       15,948

Short-term investments                                                     37,651

Short-term research assets                                               850

Superannuation                                                                 8,876

Trade Creditors                                                                   4,393

Trade debtors                                                                      3,307


*This is a non-current liability


  1. Prepare a balance sheet for this organisation for the 2015/16 financial year. Make sure to distinguish between current and non-current assets and liabilities.
  2. Prepare a profit and loss statement for the 2015/16 financial year.
  3. Do you think Happy Valley Hospital is in a sound financial position? Give evidence to support your answer.



QUESTION 4 (10 Marks)


Dr. Bill Jones runs his own solo general practice and decided to save some money and prepare the practice balance sheet and income statement himself – rather than pay an accountant.


The income statement as prepared by Dr. Jones is as follows:


Jones Medical Practice

Income statement as at 30 June 2016


Accounts receivable                     15,200

Patient fees paid in cash             32,500                             47,700



Dividends                                                         4,000

Accounts payable                                           4,500

Office expenses                                              10,200

Salaries and wages                                        17,100                          35,800

Net income                                                                                             11,900


The balance sheet as prepared by Dr. Jones is as follows:


Jones Medical Practice

Balance sheet for the period ended 30 June 2016


Assets                                                                   Liabilities and owners’ equity


Cash                       17,400                                   Patient services

Practice Building  100,000                                 provided on credit         26,200

Less amount owing (30,000)                             Owners’ equity              30,000

Net income                       9,900

Retained earnings        21,300

Total                        87,400                                   Total                                 87,400


Dr. Jones is very pleased with himself as he saved considerable money on accounting fees. But he is less pleased when he is contacted by the Taxation Office telling him that although his balance sheet balances there are many mistakes and that he has not paid enough tax.

You can determine that most of the amounts reported in both the income statement and balance sheet are correct – although this does not mean they are properly classified. The only figure that is incorrect is the figure for “retained earnings”. Dr. Jones simply put this figure in to balance the balance sheet. The correct figure is $68,100.



  1. Prepare a corrected income statement for the year for the financial year.
  2. Prepare a corrected balance sheet for the financial year.
  3. Assuming a 30% tax rate – does Dr Jones owe the Tax Office money? How much?
  4. Write a brief memo to Dr. Jones explaining the differences between your figures and his figures. You also need to explain how much tax he should have paid.


Question 5 (5 Marks)


The Wagner Private Hospital anticipates that it will have 50,000 patient days next year. This is substantially below its capacity of 70,000 patient days per year. The hospital has variable costs of $150 per patient day and its fixed costs are $3 million per year.

  1. Calculate the average cost per patient day for Wagner at a volume of 50,000 patient days and at 60,000 patient days.
  2. Assume that a private health insurance fund offers to generate 10,000 extra patient days per year. It currently sends no patients to Wagner. It is willing to pay a maximum flat amount of $180 per patient day. Assuming that its casemix is similar to the current 50,000 patient days, should Wagner accept this business? Explain how you got your answer.




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