HRM457 Organization Development – Individual project: Describe the original status quo – the equilibrium – the situation which existed that you wanted to change

HRM457 Organization Development – Individual project – Spring 2018

OD, change management and YOU – an individual level intervention


For this project, you will be applying your knowledge of OD and change management theory to help you conduct and evaluate the success of an individual level OD intervention. That individual is YOU!



Spend time reflecting on and critically analyzing changes you have already tried to make in your own life. Identify and describe:

  1. A change you tried to make which was successful.
  2. A change you wanted to and/or tried to make in the past but which didn’t succeed.


Taking each in turn and, using your knowledge of OD and change management theories to help you, especially Lewin’s ‘Force Field Analysis’, do the following:


  1. Describe the original status quo – the equilibrium – the situation which existed that you wanted to change.
  2. What was your change goal? Why?
  • Explain in detail what the driving forces and the corresponding restraining forces were.
  1. Assign marks out of 5 to each force – 5 strongest, 0 weakest. In what ways does this help to explain why the change was either successful or unsuccessful?
  2. Explain in detail, drawing on your knowledge of theories of change management, why the first change succeeded whereas the second one did not. Focus especially on the resistance to change you experienced.
  3. If you were to try to make the second change now, what could you do to ensure that it is successful this time.


PART 2 – THE PRESENT – Action Research

  1. Identify and describe a personal change you would really like to make this semester.
    1. Describe the current status quo/ equilibrium – the situation which currently exists and which you want to change.
    2. What, specifically, is your change goal? Explain it. Why do you want to make this change?
  • Explain in detail what the driving forces and the corresponding restraining forces are. Assign marks out of 5 to each force – 5 strongest, 0 weakest.
  1. Explain how you plan to manage the forces to ensure the driving forces are greater than the restraining ones, which will in turn help you to make the change you desire.
  2. Manage the driving and restraining forces – what challenges do you face as you try to do this? How successful are your efforts?
  • Explain what you did to help you to ‘unfreeze’, then CHANGE, then ‘refreeze’.
  • Reflect on how well your individual change management project worked. If it succeeded, why? If it did not succeed, why? Use your knowledge of change management theories to help you explain.


PART 3 – Reflections – THE FUTURE.

  1. Summarise what you have learned about yourself and about managing change from this project and how you will use it for your next personal change project and


Word count – minimum 1500


What I will be looking for:

  • A detailed, insightful reflection of your personal experiences of managing change and the inherent challenges.
  • An in-depth, well-referenced, critical analysis of the reasons why one change succeeded and another did not, clearly demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of relevant OD and change management concepts and theories.
  • Evidence of applying theories learned to conduct a successful ‘action research’ personal change management project.
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