Homework Help on Tests for Oil Reservoir: PVT and Relative Permeability

Homework Help on Tests for Oil Reservoir: PVT and Relative PermeabilityPNGE 333                                                                                                                                                      SPRING 2018



The core data, well logs, and well tests data for the oil reservoir were provided in the earlier homeworks.  PVT, relative permeability, and other data are provided below.


  1. A) The cumulative oil and gas production when the reservoir pressure reaches 500 psia.


  1. B) The time it takes to reach the reservoir pressure of 300 psia. 5 wells (1, 2, 3, 4, and 10) were produced at a rate of 300 STB/D each for 645 days. Thereafter, five additional wells (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) will be placed on production.


P Bo Bg × 103 Rs μo μg
psia RB/STB RB/STB SCF/STB cp cp
1700 1.265 1.32 540 1.19 0.0200
1500 1.241 1.50 490 1.22 0.0203
1300 1.214 1.75 440 1.25 0.0205
1100 1.191 2.10 387 1.30 0.0207
900 1.161 2.62 334 1.35 0.0209
700 1.147 3.44 278 1.50 0.0214
500 1.117 4.95 220 1.80 0.0245
300 1.093 8.60 160 2.28 0.0265


SL krg kro
1.00 0.000 1.00
0.95 0.0053 0.840
0.90 0.0138 0.701
0.85 0.0356 0.586
0.80 0.0920 0.491
0.75 0.2390 0.411
0.68 0.9040 0.320
0.60 4.1370 0.241


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