Homework Help-Marketing

Homework Help-Marketing

You  are to go to any retail establishment  or sales situation and evaluate an individual salesperson. Examples of  possibilities include a waiter/waitress, salesperson at specialty store  such as GameStop or Best Buy, salesperson at a services store like  Verizon, or even a car salesperson. tell your feelings on how well they did, talk about what they did right  and what they did wrong, and elaborate on  how you would have made the experience better.


 Your evaluation of what they did correctly and what they did wrong. Use personal feelings in this matter if you wish.

What you would suggest to the salesperson on how to improve their interaction with you

What company the salesperson works for and what position they held. I DO NOT want to know their name.

A quick explanation of the sales encounter (how they approached you, interacted with you, etc.)


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