Homework Help-Leadership Competency Assessment – Self-Development Plan

Homework Help-Leadership Competency Assessment – Self-Development Plan

Leadership Competency Assessment – Self-Development Plan


Throughout the last five units you have learned about several leadership skills and competencies that are demonstrated by successful business leaders.

This assignment is designed to help you apply the lessons you have learned in the class, consider how you want to apply your leadership in your career and develop a self-development plan as a path to achieving your goals.

Assignment Clarifications:

Career Goals: Please identify you three, five and ten-year career goals. Please be very specific including what you would like to be doing, where would you like to be, your ideal work setting, position, lifestyle, etc? If you are planning to remain in your current position, how would you improve the way you work or the way your position is structured?

Development Needs: Please identify 5 – 8 development steps leadership competencies that you will need to be successful in your career goals. For each competency, be very specific on steps you will take to develop the competency, time-frames and additional resources needed.

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