Homework Help-History of Digital Art

Homework Help-History of Digital Art

History of Digital Art

Your topic is related to the art work or thematic focus of your paper. You should have a thesis statement which more specifically tells the reader what you intend to do or discuss in your paper. Your topic should have been approved by me before you begin working on the paper itself.

Description of Artwork/Artist Chosen for Paper:

Whether you deal with a theme or a specific art work, you should describe it in detail and the reasons for studying it. This is usually part of the introduction, following from your initial statement and paragraph about the overall focus of the paper.

Context and Analysis:

Context includes several things and varies depending on your topic. In the case of an art historical or humanities paper, the context may be material about the historic period in question, the artist’s background, previous approaches to analysis of your question, interpretations of the work, and so on. It should only be included if it helps to explain your subsequent analysis of the art work. Your paper is an in-depth study of a single work, the analysis is precisely that: an analysis of the art work, from a formal point of view (what it looks like, its composition, its style, its visual characteristics) and from the point of view of the interpretations you have chosen to focus on.

Significance and Conclusion:

Here you discuss the importance, meaning and value of the particular artwork or thematic question chosen for this paper. This is also where you should include your own point of view which is either related to these positions or rejects them for reasons related to their failure as critical theories. This is an important part of the paper precisely because it is where you tell the reader what you, in contrast to other people, think.

Writing Style and Organization:

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