Homework Help- Do you think that buying something is a good way to solve emotional and personal problems and What are some alternative ways to solve these problems?

Homework Help- Do you think that buying something is a good way to solve emotional and personal problems and What are some alternative ways to solve these problems?

Buying Things to Solve Personal Problems
Someone once said, “In American society, the solution to every problem is to buy something.” If we have a headache, we buy a medicine. If we feel insecure about our personal attractiveness (and much advertising is designed to make us insecure), we buy toothpaste, or deodorant, or a fancy car. If we don’t have time to spend with our kids, we buy them toys. If we feel bad, we buy a new sweater or a new gadget to change the mood and make us feel better.

In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:

Do you think that buying something is a good way to solve emotional and personal problems and What are some alternative ways to solve these problems? Support your ideas with examples from your own experiences.

Required Text Entry Length: 400 to 600 words

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