Homework Help-develop a business plan

Homework Help-develop a business plan

you will be continuing to develop a business plan. For Module 1 you came up with two or three ideas, but for this assignment narrow yourself down to one idea. You have now read up more on how to identify a good business opportunity, so use what you learned from the readings to help narrow down your ideas and assess which of your ideas from your Module 1 SLP has the most promise.

Make sure to carefully apply the concepts of the unique value proposition, market segmentation, and SWOT analysis in your paper. The Pearson tutorials plus Finch (2013) and Friend and Zehle (2004) are especially important to review carefully before starting on your paper.

Once you have decided on what kind of business you want to start and have carefully reviewed the tutorials and background readings, write a three page paper addressing the following issues:

  1. A detailed description of the environment your business will face, including the precise market you will be targeting. Use the Pearson tutorial on market segmentation as your guideline for this section.
  2. A SWOT analysis of your business idea. For threats, make sure to include a discussion of your main competitors
  3. Overall, what do you think your business main unique value proposition (competitive advantage) will be? Think about it carefully and explain your reasoning.
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