Homework Help-Describe the transitions taking place within public service from the perspective of personnel management practices.

Homework Help-Describe the transitions taking place within public service from the perspective of personnel management practices.

Review the case study “Privatization,” on page 101 of Public Personnel Management. See attached word document.

From the point of view of a consultant brought in to assess and recommended solutions, explain the conflict between privatization and a staff model for the sanitation department.

What recommendations would you make from your point of view as a consultant to resolve the situation?

Support your points and recommendations with appropriately cited references to the texts and other academically sound resources.

To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

dentify the main models of service delivery in public organizations as shaped by position structuring and classifications.

Describe the transitions taking place within public service from the perspective of personnel management practices.

Explore, from the perspective of contemporary human resources and public administration theory, the conflicting motivations of privatization in public service.

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