Homework Help-Critical Essay Writing PPPA 6001: What is the responsibility of the government in the Federalist and the Antifederalist views and how would this be interpreted through today’s political parties and their subdivisions and What are the implications for the public administrator?

Homework Help-Critical Essay Writing PPPA 6001: What is the responsibility of the government in the Federalist and the Antifederalist views and how would this be interpreted through today’s political parties and their subdivisions and What are the implications for the public administrator?

1. What is the responsibility of the government in the Federalist and the Antifederalist views and how would this be interpreted through today’s political parties and their subdivisions and What are the implications for the public administrator?

The paper should be no more than five pages. It should be clearly structured with:
1. An introduction that
a. states a clear
argument (not a statement that will “explore” or “discuss” the
issues), and

b. presents a road map for the paper (introduces the structure of the paper). Another
way of thinking about the “roadmap” is as a table of contents in sentence form.
2. A
brief summary of the main arguments/ideas of each of the implicated authors, as
relevant to the student’s argument. You can think of this as akin to a literature review.
3. An analysis of these that builds support for your argument, presenting your own ideas
about the issue. For a good example of how to structure your ideas to bridge from theory
to practice, see Etzioni, Amitai. “The Elements of a Good Society,” Chapter 1. The New
Golden Rule: Community and Morality in a Democratic Society. New York: Basic
Books, 1996: 3-33.), especially his section on “Implications for Practice and Society.”
4. A concluding paragraph. Summarize the paper and highlight why the argument matters

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