Homework Help-Based on the information you researched, assess the failure of the firm’s accounting information system to prevent the related fraud / embezzlement.

Homework Help-Based on the information you researched, assess the failure of the firm’s accounting information system to prevent the related fraud / embezzlement.

Explain how the firm’s accounting information system (i.e., components and functions) contributed to the fraud and / or embezzlement. You will need to focus on how each component / function of the accounting information system failed, which resulted in the scandal / case.

Based on the information you researched, assess the failure of the firm’s accounting information system to prevent the related fraud / embezzlement.

Imagine that the company that you researched uses a third-party accounting system. Evaluate the effectiveness of the firm’s stakeholder in the event that a third-party accounting system suffers a breach. Include an assessment of the level of responsibility of the software provider to the business and its clients. Provide support for your rationale.

Determine what advances in accounting and / or information technology could have prevented the event from occurring. Provide support for your argument.

Evaluate what changes should be made to both the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and other current laws in order to make them more effective in deterring companies from committing crimes.

Recommend a strategy that the company you indicated may use to prevent future business information failures. Indicate how the company should approach the implementation of your recommended strategy. Provide support for your recommendation.

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