History Paper Assignment Help on Assigned Readings

HST2211 FINAL PAPER-History Paper Assignment Help on Assigned Readings

Take seriously the following criteria for evaluating essay:

1)Start with an introduction that mentions the topic, your question, and, briefly, the main points of your paper.

2) Devote a paragraph (7-8 sentences long) to each main point and keep each paragraph on that point. Begin each paragraph with a clear statement of your main point. Stick to discussion of your main points: no general background, no switching focus mid-stream.

3) Demonstrate a thorough reading of all the required readings and an understanding of issues raised in our discussions thus far – you do this best by citing all of our sources.

4) Selective use all of our course materials as evidence to support your argument. Use only our course material in preparing your essay. Direct quotation of full sentences “”, key terms and phrases, as well as paraphrased/summarized passages cited in text as noted above. Since each point is covered in a paragraph there should be 2 citations per paragraph. Quotations longer than a short sentence would be inappropriate for such a page paper.

5) A conclusion that summarizes your main points in a brief final paragraph.

6) Mechanics: strive for proper spelling, grammar, sentence structure and avoid awkward phrases, and improper or inadequate citation of references.

Below is the prompt for the final paper assignment that will complete the course. This is not a research paper – you are to analyze the materials we have been using in the course and use these for text evidence necessary to support your answer to the prompt. This includes the Required Readings per the course syllabus that we have discussed weekly and any documents or films for the relevant part of the course.  The text of the essay should be 11 pages (this is a change from the syllabus). Follow closely the guidelines and the criteria for evaluating the paper.


Readings to Use:  All readings from week 8 to 14,  including documents.  Films may be cited as well for text evidence, but not to the exclusion of our texts.

From the dynamics in the Muslim world (Iran & Afghanistan) that preceded the end of the Cold War (1991), through the breakup of Yugoslavia, to dynamics of neoliberalism, and into the first decade of the 21st century, identify and explain 5 (of potentially several) broad tensions or conflicts that have defined the post-Cold War years and all its complexities.  In your conclusion, identify any significant continuities or stark departures from the dynamics of the Cold War (part I of the course).  Be sure to use multiple sources for each point/paragraph and avoid summarizing or merely reporting on any part of the readings.  As with the Cold War stages you worked on earlier, make every attempt to frame your points more broadly than one country, using multiple countries as examples of your points.  Since the Buruma reading covers several decades, you should manage to use it to help define at least two of your main tensions/conflicts.


Keep in mind the following for best results:

  • Summarizing the reading on a particular time period is not the same as making a case (an argument) for a definition of that tension or conflict – that is your goal here.  A list of events that took place in a given time period is NOT a definition of a tension or conflict.
  • Each tension/conflict should be discussed in about 2.5 pages equal to 5 full paragraphs.
  • Each paragraph should have an analytical point (stated at the beginning) that helps you to define the stage and its complexities rather than merely narrate what transpired during that time period.
  • Multiple sources (books, documents, other course readings) should be used over the 4 paragraphs for each stage and within paragraphs to help base your case on a broad base of evidence.
  • Quotes are necessary as evidence for your case, but they must not be left to speak for themselves – they must be incorporated into your argument.


Paper Guidelines and Criteria for Evaluation:

Essays should be 11 double-spaced pages, 12 point font, one inch margins. Your name and an appropriate title should appear on a title page. Any text material quoted must be in quotation marks and quotations ( no paraphrasing) should be cited in your text as follows: (Lynch, p. 23), (Lecture 2/3), or (Film: Putin’s Path). For best results use short quotes as text evidence to support your points rather than paraphrasing/summarizing passages from the readings in preparing your essay.   I have read the readings and do not need to a refresher here. I want to read your answer to the prompt.

There is no one correct answer to this prompt.  You have some range to make your own case and demonstrate its validity.  Your task is to consider all of the course material that pertains to the question (not just the major text), decide for yourself what the most important factors are, and write a persuasive analytical essay that selectively uses all of our course materials as text evidence to support your arguments. Use ONLY our course material in preparing your essay.  Leave yourselfenough time



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