History of Costume:Contemporary Costume Influences Research Assignment Help

History of Costume (GHUM 1021):Contemporary Costume Influences Research Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a historical period of costume history and see how it influences current fashion trends.  You will photocopy one male and one female garment for each of the historical time periods listed and find a male and female contemporary picture from a fashion magazine, catalogue, or internet that mirrors the image of your historical example. For example, it could be a sleeve detail, a neckline, the silhouette or cut of the costume, an accessory like a hat or tie.  You may have difficulty finding an influence in men’s’ fashion from historical men’s’ wear but you can find an example in women’s fashion influenced by historic men’s wear.

Each period should be on a separate page. It should contain:

  1. Two images of historical clothing, one of men’s wear and one of women’s wear.
  2. Two contemporary examples, one for men’s wear and one for women’s wear, that shows the historical influence from that historical period . (Please remember there are photocopiers in the library. Please DO NOT cut or destroy any library material, magazines or textbooks belonging to the library.  Please photocopy what you need. If you are cutting magazines make sure they belong to you.)
  3. A title noting the period. (E.G. Greek, Roman, Baroque) The following periods are required to be covered: Egyptian, Greeks, Romans, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Empire / Directoire, Romantic, Crinoline, Bustle, 1890s, Edwardian, WWI, 1920s, 1930s, WWII, New Look, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
  4. A label for each piece of the costume should be included (E.G. chemise, Jerkin, Plastron)
  5. A brief paragraph neatly typed explaining the similarity between the historical and contemporary style.
  6. Document your sources of information at the end of each page with a footnote and bibliography (APA or MLA style). Citations are REQUIRED.


Your pictorial fashion history project should be placed in an 8.5X11 notebook, in chronological order. Marks will be given for neatness, presentation, thoroughness, quality of the examples and the text written.




Contemporary Costume Influences Research Assignment – History of Costume (GHUM 1021)

Worth: 30% of final grade

Student’s Name:_______________________________

Grading Sheet

  1. Two images of historical clothing, one each of men’s and women’s wear. /5
  2. Two contemporary examples (one each of men’s and women’s wear) that shows the historical influence from that period . /5
  3. A title noting the period. (Ex. Greek, Roman, Baroque) /4
  4. A label for each piece of the costume (Ex. chemise, Jerkin, Plastron) /5
  5. A brief paragraph neatly typed explaining the similarity between the historical and contemporary style. /5
  6. Document your sources of information at the end of each page in the APA or MLA style. /3
  7. Neatness, presentation, thoroughness, quality of the examples. /3


Total               /30

( Note: 0.5 marks will be deducted for each period not completed.)


____  Egyptian                                  ____  Greeks                                                     ____ Romans


____  Medieval                                                ____ Renaissance                                           ____ Baroque


____  Rococo                                     ____ Empire / Directoire                              ____ Romantic


____  Crinoline                                 ____ Bustle                                                        ____ 1890s


____ Edwardian                                               ____ WWI                                                          ____ 1920s


____  1930s                                        ____ WWII                                                         ____ New Look


____  1950s                                        ____ 1960s                                                         ____ 1970s


____ 1980s





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