History coursework

You have just watched the documentary Ethel and have learned about the personal memories of a public figure. Ethel Kennedy may not have made any major decisions to change the course of United States History, but she witnessed several important events and decisions. In a no less than two FULL page typed paper, size 12 point font, please answer the following: One to two paragraphs. Using specific details, what did you learn about the life of Ethel Kennedy? Briefly summarizes the events of her life you found most fascinating and why? One to two paragraphs. Tell me what you learned about the historical contributions of Robert F. Kennedy. What decisions or actions of his may or may not have affected history? Also answer what you learned about the man from the people who knew him best. What events of his life did you find most fascinating and why? One paragraph: From what you observed from this documentary, briefly write about what you feel are the negatives and positives of oral history, what did you find invaluable? Where did you see limitations and biases? In Conclusion, write about your general feelings about the film, what will you take away from it, where do you place Ethel Kennedy in the history books? *REMEMBER THIS PAPER IS YOUR OWN OBSERVATIONS, ANY OUTSIDE INFORMATION WILL BE CONSIDERED PLAGARISM. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PROOF-READ YOUR PAPER You MUST watch the documentary that is linked to write this paper. No outside sources or research may be used. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFrUnLfeQgU

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