HI5016 International Trade and Enterprise research paper

Research Paper 2: Assessment criteria





25% Due: Week12 Maximum of 10 pages or 3000 Words and 15 minutes presentation Groups of 2 or 3 choose any One topic out of Last Five weeks lectures (Week 7 to Week 11) and research the topic in more depth and present your paper with written report and presentation. For example if you choose a topic on Trade Policy you need to do research on this topic and write a report which will analyse how Trade policies are affecting the countries and companies in their pursuit of market expansion or market share or profitability. You need to elaborate on both sides of the arguments as which countries/industries and winning and which countries/industries are losing or have not enjoyed the benefits of particular. Trade policy of a country or group of countries. You need to research at least 5 to 10 sources /articles for your paper. Simply cut and paste from Google is not acceptable. Academic research is the key to get good marks with proper references. (APA style or Harvard Business) To make sure that we have papers on variety of topics in the subject: policy of ‘first-come, first-served basis” is followed. That means you need to come and register your topic ASAP with your lecturer so that no other group can take your topic for this paper. You will deliver the findings of your research topic in Week12

Written Report Presentation

15 10

Total 25

The Research Papers (25%) each Each student will nominate a topic and deliver a fifteen minute live presentation (worth 10%) of their research on that topic. Following the delivery of the presentation, the topic will be written up as a seminar report (worth 15%) and submitted to your lecturer within a week of the live presentation. You may incorporate ideas generated in the live presentation. If a live presentation is below standard a time extension may be granted to allow for improving the quality of the written report. Organisation of the research report – a key ingredient to writing a successful essay involves the planning or organising stage. Organising can help you to sort out your ideas and to present your essay in the order that communicates best to your readers. Organisation is the procedure of constructing an outline that acts as a plan for your writing task. An outline forces you to think before you write.

Your essay is to be structured and written as a business report. It, therefore, must begin with a Management (or Executive) Summary within which you state in stark form (i.e. unsupported by argument) what you are asserting in this report and you must do that in less than two pages. You can begin the main body of the report with some general background followed by a description and discussion of significance of the specific issues considered. This introduction will normally end with a brief paragraph outlining the plan of the rest of the essay. The next section which could be divided into 2-4 sub-sections if necessary contains an in-depth discussion of the relevant issues based on the existing literature and/or data. You must provide in-text references to your sources. The last section contains a brief summary followed by a complete list of references that are cited in the text of

the essay. Follow a standard referencing method consistently.

Suggested limits are as follows:  Executive Summary: ideally one page but no more than two.  Sections 1: Introduction 400-600 words,  Section 2: Main body of the essay 2,000-2,500 words,  Sections 3: Conclusions 100-300 words,  References (5-15 references).

3. Final Examination Assessment criteria

Weighting: 50%

Length: 2 hours and 10 minutes

The final examination will be drawn from the material presented in lectures. More detail will be provided during the trimester.

The exam is scheduled during the regular examination period. THIS IS A




Assessment criteria The following is a guide to the type of work that is expected at each letter grade level:

HD Outstanding work which exhibits sophisticated understanding and critical synthesis, analysis and evaluation

of the subject matter. While the work utilizes opinions of others, judgements about the value of the subject

matter are made and drawn together in an organized whole. Gaps in the subject matter might also be identified

and the implications discussed. D Substantial work of high quality, which demonstrates a clear understanding of the subject matter, in which the

relationship between the constituent elements are identified clearly and discussed with some level of critical

analysis. The work also applies abstract ideas in concrete situations.

CR Sound and competent work, which demonstrates a reasonable but not complete grasp of the subject matter.

The work utilizes recall and paraphrases the work of others concerning the subject matter. Some basic level of

critical analysis is evident. Originality in the work is rarely evident.

P Work that demonstrates a satisfactory engagement with the subject matter such that the student is said to have

a general understanding of the field. Provides an adequate basis for further study.

NN Did not meet the learning objective of the subject.


Prescribed Textbook: (Subject to availability) Krugman P and Obstfeld, M (2014) International Economics: Theory & Policy 10th Ed, Addison Wesley, New York ISBN-13: 978-0133423648 References Bagwell, K. and Staiger, R. (2002) The Economics of the World Advanced Trading System, MIT Press, Cambridge. ISBN-13: 9780262524346 Yarbrough, B.V. and Yarbrough, R.M. (2005) The World Economy: International Trade, 7th ed., Thomson-South Western. ISBN- 13: 978-0324315417 Stiglitz, J. (2002) Globalization and Its Discontents, Penguin, London. ISBN-13: 978-0393324396 World Bank. www.worldbank.org

Please note that additional recommended readings may be supplied by the lecturer in class or/and via Blackboard.


Week Topic Chapter Assessment

1 Introduction to International Economics 1

2 World Trade: An Overview 2

3 Productivity and comparative advantage: Ricardian model 3

4 Resources and trade: Heckscher-Ohlin model 5

5 Standard trade model 6

6 Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade 7

7 International factor movements Lecture


8 The instruments of trade policy 9

9 GATT to WTO: a review 10

10 Trade policy in newly industrialized countries 11

11 Controversies in trade policy 12

12 Presentations and final review of the subject Pres 2

Rep 2

* Note: Students must consult the Academic Calendar for the dates of the Study and Examination Week in the



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