Help With My Essay:What about Native American artifacts? Who owns them? What does the law say if you find something on your property?

Help With My Essay:What about Native American artifacts? Who owns them? What does the law say if you find something on your property?

  1. Can art be legitimately acquired by a colonialist nation? Define what means are legitimate in your response.
  2. What about Native American artifacts? Who owns them? What does the law say if you find something on your property? (Keep in mind, it was circa 1850 when Native Americans in the Southwest were relocated to live in reservations, previously there were no borders and the land was theirs for thousands of years.)
  3. Should artifacts be taken out of museums and returned to the original maker’s cultural place of origin?
  4. Do you think there should be statute of limitationson when a nation should ask for their artifacts back? What if the nation is suffering from turmoil for a long period of time and isn’t stable enough to ask for their art back until 200 years later? What then?
  5. Under what conditions should museums keep their artifacts? Should they even be allowed, ever?
  6. At what point does the artwork become part of human history? And not just one culture’s history?
  7. How does the clash of cultural values affect our perception of artifacts in the graves of other cultures? (Keep in mind that places like the Egyptian pyramids are first and foremost gravesites)
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