Help With My Essay:Victim and Witness Statements, Suspect Interrogation

Help With My Essay:Victim and Witness Statements, Suspect Interrogation

Victim and Witness Statements, Suspect Interrogation

  • What is the proper process for obtaining a statement from both the suspect and the victim in this incident?
  • Will you be able to use the information provided to patrol officers by the suspect immediately after his arrest?
  • If your partner interviewed the suspect at the scene and threatened him, would this be lawful? Why or why not?
  • If your partner lied to the suspect to gain information from him, would this information be usable?
  • hat if your partner read the suspect his rights before the interrogation? 
  • What has the Supreme Court said about the use of deception in interrogating a suspect?
  • Where would you interview the female victim?
  • Who would do the interview, and how should it be conducted?
  • What types of questions should the interviewer ask the suspect and the victim in this crime? Why?
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