Help With My Essay:Philosophy Question

Help With My Essay:Philosophy Question

1. Freud believes that most of who we are, our personality, our self, is deep within our Unconscious. Do you agree?

2. How do you understand dreams. Why do we have them/ What is their meaning?

3. Do you agree with Freud that dreams allow us to look and glimpse into our unconscious?

4. Do you agree with Freud about the id, ego and superego and their development?

5. Do you think that experiences, good and bad, that occurred in your life between the age of 1-6 years can impact what you believe and what you do in life as an adult?

6. Do you agree with the materialist that our self/mind/soul is nothing other than our physical brain?

7. Do you agree that all of our thoughts, passions are personality traits are nothing other than the physical wiring and physiological functioning of the brain.

8. How much of your ‘self’ would you say is reducible to your brain?

9. Do you think its possible to use MRI technology to read our brain activities? Our thoughts? Our feelings?

10. Do you think it’s a good idea to use MRI technology to read the minds of others?

11. How would you feel if you could install a memory chip in your brain to record your thoughts…forever?

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